A Complete Guide for USPTO Trademark Registration


Trademark registration in the United States is a multi-step process that requires patience and persistence. The first step is to make sure that your mark qualifies for protection. If it does, then you must file an application and wait while the USPTO examines it. If there are no issues with your application, then you will receive an approval notice, which means you can start using your new trademark (and reap the benefits of its goodwill). However, if there are problems with your application (or another party objects to its registration), then you may have to go back and change some things before resubmitting it for review again—and this could take several months. But you don’t have to worry we have explained every small thing in detail to avoid any confusion through our guide to registering your trademark in the USA.

Let’s dive into it!

1. What is Trademark?

Trademark is a sign capable of distinguishing the goods or services of one enterprise from those of other enterprises. Trademarks are protected by intellectual property rights. However, trademark rights cannot be used to stop others from producing the same items or from selling the same goods or services under a mark that is obviously distinct. Instead, trademark rights can be used to stop others from using a confusingly similar mark.

How to Trademark a Logo: Top Questions Answered | Renderforest

Credits: Renderforestst.com, December 2022

A trademark can be a word, phrase, symbol, design, image, or even sound (in the case of sound marks). It can also consist of other distinctive elements such as color, smell, and shape. A trademark may consist exclusively of these elements if they serve to identify the source of your product in commerce and distinguish it from products manufactured by others.

Did you ever thought why Pepsi & Apple logos are good trademarks?

good trade mark

Credits: Brandaide.com, December 2022

For example; Pepsi color is blue, red and white has been recognized as its trademark because no other soft drink manufacturer uses these three colors as a part of its trademark logo; the same goes for the Apple logo relies heavily on visual icons in order to make them easy for users without being much tech savvy who are unfamiliar with computers.

You know this is a great time to be a business owner. There are so many things you can do with your product—you can change its label, its packaging design, and add value to it by adding more features or benefits. You can also protect these changes by USPTO trademark registration.

An Exclusive Right To Use The Brand Name

You can use a trademark registration to protect your brand name, or logo. A trademark is a word or symbol that identifies the source of goods or services. Register trademark and get exclusive rights to use that mark in association with particular goods and services.

Trademark and Ownership | Beer Law Center

Credits: Beerlawcenter.com, December 2022

A company can own multiple trademarks for different products; however, it can’t own two trademarks for similar products if consumers would be confused about their origins.

Did you ever wonder how easy is trademark registration in USA?

Used For Identifying The Source Of The Goods

A service mark is the same as a trademark except that it identifies and distinguishes the source of a service rather than goods. For example, you have a trademark registration for your business logo, slogan, and the name of your company.

Register trademarks that are used by one party to distinguish their goods and services from others in the market. For example, if you were a clothing designer, holding a trademark on your brand would allow you to prevent other companies from using your name for their designs. Trademarks can be either words or logos (but not looks) and may have a stylized version as well as letters that are displayed in some way—for instance, it may feature an icon instead of the word itself.

You can see that the trademark registration process must be followed in order to protect your intellectual property. If you feel like you have a great idea for a product or service, then it is important that you contact an attorney so that he or she can help guide you through the application process to file a trademark and make sure that everything goes smoothly.

So, what is a trademark? All of the above examples are trademarks because they represent a source, but they’re not all the same type of trademark. Each example could be registered with the USPTO as either a service mark or a trademark for goods and services in specific categories, or both. You can also choose whether or not you want to register your mark federally from state-level protection as well.

Trademark registration is essential for many businesses that deal with consumer products and services; however, if your company is based solely on intellectual property (copyright), you might consider filing a trademark internationally so they don’t become public domain everywhere except where it matters most—for instance, China doesn’t recognize work produced by foreign entities unless it has been registered locally beforehand.

All federally registered trademarks have been published in the official government gazette. Trademark registration includes the following items:

  • A certificate of registration issued by the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO), certifying that your mark has been registered with them. This certificate cannot be used as proof of ownership but can be used as evidence if an infringement lawsuit is filed against you by another party claiming they own similar rights to your mark.
  • A copy of your application for trademark registration filed with the USPTO along with any amendments thereto made while waiting for final approval from USPTO officials before receiving a full license from them which allows you exclusive use over all rights associated with said trademark or service provided within designated geographical limits throughout United States territory only unless otherwise authorized through a special license issued by authorities overseeing these matters at their discretion if necessary after reviewing case presented before them involving conflicting claims regarding ownership between parties seeking the same type of rights over the same thing; such conflicts may arise when one business wants exclusive rights over something while another business believes it already owns those same things without having formally registered them yet (which means there would be no way for consumers.

All Trademarks Must Be Distinctive, Not Descriptive

They must clearly identify the source of the goods or services in connection with which it is used. They cannot be generic or merely descriptive.

Distinctive Trademark | registering descriptive trademarks

Credits: YourTrademarkAngel.com, December 2022

The first requirement for trademark registration is that it must be distinctive and not descriptive. The mark cannot be merely descriptive or generic and must in fact identify the source of goods or services in connection with which they are used. There are two ways in which your trademark can fail this requirement:

If your mark is literally descriptive, it may be unregistrable if you don’t have evidence showing that consumers associate the mark with your goods (such as survey evidence). This is because trademarks cannot function solely to describe a product; they must also indicate a brand.

For example, “snowboard” would be considered an unregistrable word mark since snowboards do not inherently include any information that indicates anything specific about their maker (i.e., there’s no reason why someone would think of one particular company over another when seeing this word). However, Snowboard Inc.’s later addition of “Ride Your Dreams” does add more information about what its product does and therefore satisfies this requirement because it tells customers what kind of dream-fulfilling activity Snowboard Inc.’s snowboards allow them to participate in—and thus distinguishes itself from other companies making similar products such as skis or sleds.


2. Importance of Trademark Registration in USA

Trademark registration is a legal requirement to protect your business name, brand identity and logo, which helps maintain the goodwill associated with your brand. Trademark rights do not protect you from other people using your name or logo in other ways such as when the mark is used on clothing or accessories rather than within marketing materials. When another company uses a similar name or logo for a similar product or service that could confuse consumers about who is offering those products or services (called “dilution”), trademark law provides protection against this type of infringement as well.

Federal & State Registration in USA

The United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) is an agency of the United States Department of Commerce that issues patents to inventors and businesses for their inventions, and trademark registration for brand names and logos. The USPTO registers trademarks for a variety of goods and services, such as clothing, wine, cosmetics, books, and toys. The USPTO was created by Congress to administer the patent and trademark laws in order to protect inventors and entrepreneurs.

What Do I Get?

A trademark registration gives you the exclusive right to use that mark for your goods or services. If someone else uses a similar mark for similar goods or services, you can sue them for trademark infringement and get them to stop using their mark. You also have the right to use the ® symbol next to your registered trademark in order to show that it’s been officially registered with the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO).

Registered Trademark Symbol | Trademark Circle R Symbol (®)

Credits: YourTrademarkAttorney.com, December 2022

If you have an idea that you want to turn into reality or an invention that can be extremely beneficial to people, you will want to protect that idea. You can protect your ideas by registering a trademark for them.

Benefits of Trademark Registration

  • Intellectual Protection.
  • A trademark is a symbol that separates the products or services of one business from those of another. The first use of a mark in commerce is required to establish rights in a trademark. That’s why you should register your trademarks as soon as you can; the longer you wait, the greater chance someone else has of using your name first. In addition, by registering your marks before anyone else does, it will be easier for them to defend their trademark if someone tries to use it later on.
  • Trademarks are also used as evidence that a particular product or service was created by its owner and not copied from someone else. A trademark registration gives companies an edge over their competitors because they can prevent others from copying their products (clothing or otherwise).

Credits: Trade-mark.in, December 2022

  • If you are a business owner, then it is important to know that a trademark registration can be an asset for your company in the long run. This is especially true if you have been able to get a federal registration for the mark. In fact, it’s not uncommon for businesses to sell their trademarks for millions of dollars when they are bought by other companies who want to use them as their own branding and marketing tools.
  • It’s important to understand that you have the right to “license” or authorize others to use your mark on a permanent basis. If someone sells products bearing your trademark, they must pay you royalties. This can be done through licensing agreements in which the licensee (user) agrees to follow certain terms and conditions established by you as the licensor (owner). These terms may include requirements regarding quality control measures to ensure the continued use of your mark in an appropriate manner.
  • Another important advantage inherent within federal trademark registration is that it gives the owner an additional defensive tool against infringement suits brought by other parties who are attempting to sell similar products or services. If someone infringes upon one of these federally-registered trademarks—even accidentally—the registered owner has legal recourse against them for damages sustained as a result of their actions if he/she has registered his/her trademark with U.S Customs and Border Protection under Section 830(d) of Title 19 U.S Code (19 U .S .C . § 1306).

How Many Trademarks Can I register?

You can register as many trademarks as you wish, but it is important to consider the following:

  • You can only register one trademark per product or service. That means that if you have multiple products, each of them will have their own trademark. For example, Apple Inc. has registered dozens of trademarks for its iPhones and iPads, because they are different products with different functions and designs.
  • You can only register a single trademark per class or industry (for example “clothing”), which means that if your business offers clothing and furniture then these two industries would be represented by two different classes (e.g., class 25 for clothing and class 26 for furniture).

Who can apply for a trademark?

The USPTO trademark registration process is not as difficult as you might think. All it requires is a little patience and effort to complete the application correctly.

You can apply for a trademark if you are an individual, company, or other entity that wants to use the word or symbol in commerce. If you plan on using your name or logo for business purposes, then this applies to you too!

Trademark registration can also serve as a valuable form of protection against infringement from competitors who attempt to pass off their own goods and services as yours. If your business has invested heavily in building its brand identity through advertising campaigns and promotional materials, then having legal protections in place can help keep others from profiting off of your hard work by using similar names or designs on their own products (or even selling knockoff versions).

Everything you need to know about... avoiding trademark infringement | Courier - Mailchimp

Credits: Mailchimp.com, December 2022

The requirement of your brand trademark registration in the USA has become an issue of high importance due to the global expansion of businesses and commerce. As the number of foreign direct investments continues to increase globally, so does the need for trademark registration services in countries that are popular destinations for such investments.

In order to understand why trademark registration is so important for companies doing business internationally, it is necessary to understand what a trademark is and how it can be protected by law.


3. How to apply for Trademark Registration in the USA?

If you are thinking of registering a trademark in the USA, you will have to follow certain steps. Registering trademarks in the United States can be challenging and time-consuming, so it’s important to hire an expert. An experienced trademark lawyer will help you avoid mistakes, save money on legal fees, get your trademark registered faster, and maintain your trademark.

Important STEPS that are needed to be followed:

Trademark basics | USPTO

Credits: USPTO.gov, December 2022

1. Checking Name Availability

A trademark name needs to be unique, not too descriptive or generic, and available for registration. To check if your desired trademark is available, submit it on the USPTO search system. If someone else has already registered the same or similar mark with similar goods/services – this means that you may have to change your brand name slightly to make it unique from other marks. For example, if you want to register an existing name such as Starbucks Coffee but there exists another company that has already registered this mark for coffee beans then you would need an alternative brand name like Starbucks Coffees & Teas instead of just Starbucks Coffee.

2. Creating an Account with the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO)

To begin the trademark registration process, you will at some point need to create an account with the USPTO. To do this, go to https://www.uspto.gov/trademarks-application-process/register-a-trademark/create-new-account and select “Create a New Account”. Enter your name, email address, and create a password that you can remember easily by using something like your birthday or your pet’s name if it helps you remember! Then click the “Create Account” button at bottom of the page; from here forward all future steps will be done through that same account profile until you submit for approval – so make sure no one else uses your email address as there won’t be any way for anyone else to log into their own accounts after they’ve been created without having access codes.

Get to know detailed information on How does Trademark Registration Works In The USA!

3. Filing the Application Form Online

The Trademark Electronic Application System (TEAS) is the USPTO’s online filing system that allows you to file an application for trademark registration electronically. The TEAS also allows you to pay fees using a credit card or electronic funds transfer and submit your application through the same system.

The benefit of using TEAS is that it allows you to prepare and submit your application without having to go anywhere physically or wait in line at a counter at any field office of the USPTO. This means that applicants can save time and money by simply submitting their applications online rather than going through the process of mailing their hard copies in by post, which may take longer than expected due to postal delays.

In addition, submitting an application through this system will reduce errors since all data entry can be done directly by applicants instead of relying on manual input from staff working at offices located around the country who may not always provide accurate information back into our applications when they do have time available during business hours (which isn’t often).

4. Mailing Supporting Documents to USPTO Attorney

  • Make sure you have all the documents. Before mailing your supporting documents, you should ensure that what you are sending is complete and correct. This means double-checking whether or not every document required by your USPTO attorney is included in your submission (for example, if your attorney asks for an affidavit, make sure it’s signed before sending it).
  • Mailing documents takes time. Although this process may seem like a quick way to get things done, there are many steps involved in mail delivery: mailing material from one location to another will take several days—even weeks—depending on where each party lives geographically; additionally, there can be delays due to holidays or weather conditions (for example if there’s snowstorm).


Unfortunately, applying for a trademark in the US can be a difficult and complex process. In order to avoid mistakes and unnecessary delays, it is best to hire an experienced trademark registration attorney who will guide you through all of the steps of the registration process.

Facts To Consider

  • Use of the trademark in commerce is required.
  • The trademark must not be confusingly similar to another registered trademark.
  • The trademark must not be offensive or deceptive.
  • The trademark must not be generic, i.e., the name of a good or service that is so general and common that it cannot serve as a source-identifying indicator of origin for goods or services sold under that term. For example: “Apple” for computers; “Tylenol” for painkillers; etc.).
  • The trademark cannot merely describe an ingredient, quality, characteristic, function or use of the product or service on which it appears (i.e., your mark CANNOT simply say “blue jeans”). For example: if you sell blue jeans with no other information on them besides the color of the material used in making them then your mark would probably fail this requirement because there are many other companies out there who have been using blue jean trademarks since before yours existed!

Once all these steps have been completed successfully, you can wait for USPTO to respond.


4. Importance of USPTO

USPTO headquarters | USPTO

Credits: USPTO.gov, December 2022

The United States Department of Commerce is an agency of the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO). The USPTO grants patents for inventions and trademarks to businesses and individuals. It also records assignments of patents, trademarks, and appellations of origin, maintains search files of U.S. and foreign trademark registrations, publishes patent information, and assists other federal agencies with their IP needs.

How does the USPTO protect intellectual property?

The USPTO is there to protect your intellectual property. Once you’ve been granted a patent or trademark, it helps prevent others from stealing or infringing upon what you’ve created. This can be especially important if your invention is unique, such as the new machine or device that has never been seen before. For example, if someone were to copy your idea and try selling it themselves, they might not be able to protect their product from competitors because they don’t have any patents for it.

Did you know that nearly half of all new businesses fail within five years? That’s why entrepreneurs should register their business name before launching anything official—so that no one else can steal it! If possible (and this depends on where exactly in the world), start researching legal protection options well before having any sort of product ready for sale.

What does the USPTO do for inventors and businesses?

The USPTO protects your intellectual property (IP) rights and the rights of other inventors, businesses, and consumers by:

  • Issuing patents that gives inventors a monopoly on their inventions for a limited period of time. This gives inventors time to bring their inventions to market while preventing others from copying them. If a person or company wants to use an invention covered by another’s patent, they must request permission from the patent owner as well as pay royalties for using it in certain circumstances.
  • Certifying trademarks that identify products or services with a particular name or logo so consumers know what they’re getting when they buy something marked with such a trademark. There are many different kinds of trademarks—the most common type identifies companies’ brand names (like Apple), but others identify products themselves (such as “The Original Cup”).

How can I learn more about intellectual property?

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Credits: Smartcorp.in, Decemeber 2022

If you’re interested in learning more about intellectual property, we recommend reading the following documents:

  • Title 35 of the United States Code, which governs U.S. patent and trademark law.
  • The Manual of Patent Examining Procedure (MPEP), which is a guide for patent examiners who review applications for validity and infringement.
  • The Compendium of Patent Office Practices (CPOP), which describes how to best use certain tools and procedures at the USPTO to accomplish your goals as an IP owner or applicant.

The USPTO’s mission is to promote innovation by ensuring that intellectual property protection is accessible to everyone who wants it. The USPTO was established in 1790 as part of the Department of State and became an independent agency in 1871 when Congress passed legislation creating the Commissioner for Patents position.

An applicant can file a patent application directly with the USPTO under certain circumstances; otherwise, an attorney or agent prepares it on behalf of the inventor, who presents it to the USPTO in person or by mail. The USPTO has six regional branches: Eastern Virginia, Western Virginia, Denver, Texas (Dallas), Silicon Valley (San Jose), Southern Florida (Miami). The Director of Patents is Michelle K. Lee since April 26th, 2014 after she was nominated by President Barack Obama on September 24th, 2013.

The inventions and corporate product and service identifications, it supports the interests of businesses and inventors. The USPTO also processes patent applications for international protection as well as performs certain functions related to trademarks.

The USPTO complies with the requirement of Article I, Section 8, Clause 8 of the Constitution by accomplishing this:

“Promote the progress of science and useful arts, by securing for limited times to authors and inventors the exclusive right to their respective writings and discoveries.”

In carrying out its mission, the USPTO strives to be a customer-focused organization that provides effective services in support of innovation. As one of the oldest federal agencies in America, it was created by Alexander Hamilton and has been in continuous operation since 1790.

Trademark Registration Application Services | Registered Artists

Credits: Registeredartists.com, December 2022

The USPTO registers trademarks based on the Commerce Clause of the Constitution (Article 1, Section 8, Clause 3). For example: if you have a business selling coffee mugs with your logo printed on them, you would need a trademark because no other company could put their logo on their own coffee mugs without infringing upon your copyright.

A patent gives the inventor the right to stop others from making, using, or selling the invention for a limited time (usually 20 years). If you want to make, use, or sell your invention in the United States it must be patented.

There are three classes of goods/services: trademark class 1 is covering all products; 2 covers services related to entertainment; 3 covers all other goods and services excluding software and web domains which fall under Class 42 (and 441).

  • It also records assignments of patents, trademarks, and appellations of origin, and maintains search files of U.S. and foreign trademark registrations.
  • The USPTO must also have access to the Internet in order to receive public submissions like comments or suggestions on its operations.

Putting Down Roots at the Patent Office | USPTO

Credits: USPTO.gov, December 2022

The USPTO’s history dates back to 1802 when President Thomas Jefferson sent a commission to Europe to act on his behalf in securing a patent system with France and other countries. A similar commission was sent under President George Washington at about the same time but it is not known how successful this effort was or if any patents were granted under its jurisdiction before its expiration five years later (there are indications some patents were issued). Upon learning about both commissions’ failure to secure European mutual recognition of American rights to their respective countries’ earliest patents (or even establish one single patent office), Congress passed legislation creating two new offices: one for trademarks; another for copyrights. The Patent Office became part of what would eventually become today’s Department of State in 1852 when it moved into its own department again as part of the Treasury; they remained there until 1932 when they were transferred back into State once again where they stayed until 1940 when they became part of Commerce as part finally settled permanently where we know them today.


5. Explaining Trademark Statement of Use

Statement of Use of Trademark | Intepat IP Services

Credits: Intepat.com, December 2022

When you apply for a trademark registration, you must submit a Statement of Use form. This document is one of the requirements for registering your mark. Once your application has been approved by the USPTO, you will receive a Notice of Allowance letter (NOA). The NOA tells you that your mark has been registered and gives you six months to file an acceptable Statement of Use (SOU). If you are unable to demonstrate use or intent to use within this period specified in the Notice of Allowance (six months), then it’s necessary to request an extension.

The purpose of a trademark statement of use is to show that you have actually been using your mark in commerce and not just circulating it on paper. It serves as proof that you intend to use your mark in association with specific goods or services and are not just applying for registration by mistake or fraudulently.

To request an extension, submit a letter explaining why you were unable to show your use or intent to use within the required time period. You should also include:

  • Evidence demonstrating that your goods or services are used in commerce (the date on which such use began)
  • A statement outlining how long you expect it will take for you to complete their proposed mark’s use and if there is another date by which they expect to begin using their proposed mark; if so, provide that date as well

Some trademarks can’t be registered because they’re commonly used words or symbols.

If you have a trademark that’s already in use, or one you plan to use in the future, then this is a good time to consider whether it’s appropriate for registration. Some trademarks can’t be registered because they’re commonly used words or symbols. Here are some examples:

  • The words “the,” “and,” “a” and other common terms
  • Words that contain numbers
  • Trademarks that relate to generic classes of goods (such as clothing)

Your trademark application may also be rejected if it contains geographic names. A geographic name is the name of a city, town, or other places. The following examples are all considered geographic names and cannot be used in your trademark:

  • Phoenix International Raceway
  • San Diego Zoo
  • Silicon Valley

A guide to filing trademark applications in India - iPleaders

Credits: Blogs.ipleaders.in, December 2022

Examination Of Your Trademark

Your trademark is examined by an attorney at the USPTO, who reviews it and determines whether it qualifies for registration. If there are any issues with your trademark statement of use, this attorney will contact you and ask you to provide more information before they can approve your mark.

Notice Deadline

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Credits: Entrepreneur.com, December 2022

If you are the owner of a trademark and want to keep it, you will have to file for a Statement of Use. The USPTO will send you a Notice of Allowance if they believe your application is eligible for approval. When your notice arrives in the mail, mark the calendar and plan ahead because, after 21 days from the date on your Notice of Allowance, your trademark is vulnerable to cancellation if you don’t submit your Statement of Use (and fees).

Before submitting your Statement of Use keeps these facts in check:

  • Ensure that all information on it is accurate and matches your original application exactly. A minor error can cause a lot of trouble.
  • Include all required fees, including the Statement of Use fee ($100), an additional $600 fee, and any applicable international fees.
  • Make sure you have signed your statement (if not already done) before submitting it and keep copies of everything for your own records in case anything goes wrong down the line.

How Do I Provide This Information?

The USPTO’s Trademark Electronic Application System (TEAS) can be used to file a Statement of Use online with your application materials. You can also submit paper copies by mail or in person at a regional TEAS filing location.

While filing the statement of use, you will also be required to pay a final fee. The amount of this fee depends on how much time has passed since your original application for trademark was filed. If more than two years have passed since you filed your application, then there will be a $400 late fee added to the cost of filing. If less than two years have passed, then there will only be an additional $275 fee added on top of the standard $225 fee that all applicants must pay when they file their Statement of Use.

The Statement of Use Form (or “SOU” form)

The first step in filing your SOUS is to fill out the Statement of Use Form (or “SOU” form). This form provides a detailed summary of your business, including its name and address, as well as information about any products or services you may have already been selling. The SOU also requires that you provide details about how you plan to use your trademark with specific examples of how it will be used in advertising campaigns, websites, product packaging, and other areas.

The most important part of this form is the section where you must state whether or not your current sales have reached $500 per year for one year or more. You’ll need to list all relevant goods and services along with their prices so that the USPTO can verify whether or not they fall within the threshold requirements for registration under Section 1(a).

When Should You File an SOU?

You should file an SOU if:

  • You have not filed a trademark application yet, but you plan to do so in the near future. If you don’t start the application process now, you may lose your opportunity to register this trademark with the USPTO.
  • You’ve already filed a trademark application, but it has not been approved yet. Once your application is approved by U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP), you will have 90 days from then to file either an Application for Renewal or Statement of Use; otherwise, CBP will automatically cancel your registration after three years as part of their periodic review process.


6. Explaining Office Action Response

The Trademark Office issues a Notice of Examination and sends it to the applicant. An Office Action is sent when there is a problem or concern with the application. Applicant must respond to Office Action within six months from the date of mailing. If no response to an Office Action, the application will be declared abandoned. A timely and complete response can overcome Office Action objections.

Reasons for Trademark Objection and How to Respond to them - Swarit

Credits: Swaritadvisors.com, December 2022

Office actions are issued when the examiner has questions about your application. Office actions can be issued for a variety of reasons, but generally will include:

  • The examiner determines that you missed something in your application
  • You were not clear about how to go about filing a patent
  • The examiner needs more information or evidence to enable the examination process to continue

You must respond to an Office Action within six months from the date of mailing. If you fail to do so, your application will be declared abandoned. However, you can request an extension of time by filing a petition for an extension of time under 37 CFR 1.132(a) or (c). The period for responding to an Office Action starts with the date of publication in the USPTO Official Gazette and ends six months later. If you do not respond to an Office Action, your application will be declared abandoned. If you do not respond within six months, the application will be abandoned. If you do not respond within three years, the application will be abandoned (assuming there is no other reason for abandonment).

Trademark Office Action: Descriptiveness & Response Options

Credits: USPTO.gov, December 2022

If you are requesting a change in inventorship under 37 CFR 1.48(d)(1), your response must include:

  • A request for correction of inventorship; and
  • An amendment adding at least one inventor named as a result of such correction

In order to understand how to write a good response, you must understand what an Office Action is. The Office Action is a communication from the Trademark Examining Attorney to the applicant regarding the status of an application. It may also include any necessary follow-up or clarification required by the attorney before final action on your application will be taken. The Office Action generally contains one or more of these types of information:

  • Requests for further explanation beyond that provided in your initial filing
  • A statement that your application does not comply with all legal requirements, including but not limited to: proper filing fee payment; acceptable evidence of use/intent-to-use; and adequate specimen(s) attached with properly executed oath(s)/declaration(s).

This time period begins when the Office Action is mailed, not when you receive it or file your response. For example, if you submit your application today and it’s accepted for examination tomorrow, your six-month countdown clock won’t begin until you receive a mailed Office Action notice from USPTO (which could be weeks later).

Nature of Response

The most important thing to remember about an Office Action is that it is an examination response from the examiner. It usually means that your application was reviewed and rejected by the examiner, or that there are issues with how your patent application was filed. In general, you will want to respond quickly because the clock starts ticking when you receive an Office Action, not when it was mailed out by the USPTO.

The nature of a response depends on whether or not it is timely. If it is late (more than 6 months), then you should file a petition asking for more time (which may be granted). If it’s in time, here are some things to know:

  • Your response must be complete and provide evidence of why the examiner’s decision is wrong; this includes examining prior art references that relate directly back to claims made in your application so as not to confuse yourself between what might otherwise seem like similar “patentable” ideas/inventions;
  • The applicant/applicant’s attorney needs to sign off on every single word before sending any document over email; there may be no exceptions! You can use email attachments but only if they include a cover page with basic contact info such as “to,” “from,” “subject line,” etc.; otherwise just send everything via regular mail service instead.

Basis for Rejection

Top 5 Reasons Why USPTO Denied Your Trademark Application

Credits: Brandaide.com, December 2022

Your application was rejected because the examiner feels that it fails to comply with one or more provisions of the US Code, which are listed in an Office Action.

For example, a common basis for rejection is failing to disclose sufficient information about how an invention works or what its components are. If this happens, you may be able to fix your application by adding more information about those things. You can also request that the examiner narrow their interpretation of what needs to be disclosed in order for your invention not to be considered obvious by citing prior art showing that there are indeed already known ways of accomplishing what you claim and that these prior-known methods – or variations thereof – show how your invention works (i.e., they work at least as well as yours).

I received an Office Action or Examiner's Amendment Email from the USPTO. What do I do now?

Credits: Plugandlaw.com, December 2022

Applicant Response

In order to respond to an office action, you must provide a complete response and address all of the concerns in the office action. This can be done in several ways:

  • Responding with a detailed explanation of how your invention works and why it is novel, inventive, nonobvious and useful.
  • Responding with a detailed explanation of how your invention works, but not addressing whether it is novel or nonobvious. This would be appropriate if there are no new or unexpected results from what you describe in your application.
  • Responding only by citing prior art that invalidates at least one independent claim of your application or patent (if you have already filed for patents).

Examiner’s Amendment

If you receive an examiner’s amendment to your application, you must respond to it within 6 months of the date of mailing. The examiner’s amendments are issued when there is a need for clarification or correction in the application and may include new requirements, or requests for additional information. A response should be filed if any of these conditions apply:

  • Your response does not establish that your claim is patentable over the cited prior art (for example, because it is non-statutory).
  • You do not request reconsideration of any requirement made by an Office action or notice under 37 CFR §1.114(b).
  • You would like an extension of time under 37 CFR §1.136(a) for submitting information on which your reply relies (see MPEP §§703, 703.03), but this extension was not previously requested in another timely written communication sent to the Office (for example a petition under 37 CFR §1.181).


7. Benefits of Registering a Trademark In the USA

Registering your trademark in the United States is an important investment that can protect your brand and your business. The USPTO has made strides in recent years toward making it easier to register trademarks. Trademark protects the reputation of the brand owner/business, designates the source of origin of goods, creates an advantage over competitors, and services a wide variety of businesses from large corporations like Pepsi® and Microsoft®, Inc. to small businesses. Here’s what you need to know about registering trademarks in America.

Stop Infringement

Trademark Infringement: Meaning, Types and Remedies - Corpbiz

Credits: Corpbiz.io, December 2022

You have taken the first step toward protecting your brand, with trademark registration. Once you have registered your mark and it has been entered into the trademark registry, you can now enforce your rights by filing lawsuits to stop other people from using confusingly similar or identical marks.

For example, if someone uses a similar mark for goods or services that are related to yours (known as “likelihood of confusion”), then you can file a lawsuit against them for what is called “trademark infringement.” If this happens repeatedly it can result in serious penalties such as large fines or even jail time for those who continue infringing upon your rights after being warned about it multiple times by attorneys representing your company

Stronger Negotiation Power

The 5 Most Important Negotiation Skills You Must Master | Inc.com

Credits: Inc.com, December 2022

Another benefit of registering a trademark is that it gives you stronger negotiation power. You can negotiate with a third party to use your brand and they will have no choice but to give in to your demands because they know that you already own the rights to your brand. When someone else uses your trademark without permission, it also affects their reputation since consumers will think that they are associated with you.

Brand Value

You can use the trademark symbol after registering your trademark. It’s an internationally recognized symbol and it shows that you have a registered trademark in the United States.

Easily Recognizable & Memorable

It is important to note that there are some advantages of registering trademarks in the USA. Trademark registration can easily make your brand recognizable, memorable, and distinguishable from other brands.

Build Authority & Credibility

6 Powerful Ways To Build (And Maintain) Your Business's Credibility

Credits: Forbes.com, December 2022

  • Having a registered trademark in the United States also helps you build authority and credibility.
  • For example, if someone sees that your company has registered trademarks for its name or logo, they’ll believe that you have been around for a while and are therefore more trustworthy than someone without any registered trademarks.
  • This can be especially beneficial if you are selling products or services online where consumers might not otherwise be able to see who they’re dealing with before they buy something from you.

Additional Protection for Domain Name

If you have registered your trademark in the United States, you also have additional protection for your domain name. The UDRP is a dispute resolution procedure that allows trademark owners to challenge the unauthorized use of their mark on websites or wireless applications. If an individual or company registers a domain name that contains another’s mark, it is considered an infringing use unless the person or company can demonstrate that they have legitimate rights in the domain name (that is, they used it before someone else).

For the most part, there are two ways to acquire trademark rights in the United States. The first way is to be the first person or entity to use a particular mark in commerce. These are called common law trademark rights and they are acquired automatically when you begin using your mark in connection with a good or service that you offer commercially. These rights can remain viable for as long as you continue using them, but they cannot be used against others who are lawfully using their own marks—even if yours was used earlier than theirs during the same time period.

The second way involves registering your mark under federal law with the Patent and Trademark Office (PTO). This process grants you certain legal protections that make it easier for people around the world to know what products belong to whom, help prevent consumer confusion between similar brands of goods or services (such as “Microsoft Windows” versus “Apple iOS”), prevent unscrupulous competitors from trying to pass off their inferior products as yours through reverse engineering techniques such as counterfeiting or even misappropriating trade secrets contained within your company’s product designs.”

Trademark registration or “the right to use” is different from owning a trademark, which means that you have common law rights in your mark even if it’s not registered with an official body. However, registering your trademark does add additional benefits:

  • Establishes nationwide exclusive rights to use the mark (for example, in all 50 states) as long as you continue to meet certain reporting requirements.

Affordable Trademark Registration

You can expect to pay between $500 and $2,000 in application fees and anywhere from $500 to $5,000 in legal costs for the entire process (including search, filing, and opposition).

Federal registration can be used as a basis to obtain registration in foreign countries. The United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) will recognize your U.S. trademark as a valid trademark in other countries if your mark is registered with that country’s trademark office.

A federal registration allows you to bring an action concerning the mark in federal court and recover profits, damages, costs, and attorney fees from an infringer.

A trademark registration is a valuable business asset that should be carefully maintained and protected from unauthorized use by others as an infringement of your legal rights in the trademark. If you do not properly maintain your federal trademark registration, it may be canceled or canceled for failure to respond to certain types of official correspondence from the USPTO (US Patent and Trademark Office). The benefits of registering your trademark are clearly worth considering when you are deciding what is right for you.

Want to know more about federal trademark registration?

On the other hand, if you have not registered your mark with the USPTO but are still using it in commerce, there’s no way for you to enforce any claims or prevent others from using it because there is no record of it being yours in federal databases or public records. The only way to protect yourself from this situation is by registering it before anyone else does so that when an infringer comes along trying to capitalize off of their own version of what’s rightfully yours—you’ll be able to protect yourself by suing them first!

You Can Sue Your Infringer!

How to Sue for Patent Infringement: 14 Steps (with Pictures)

Credits: Wikihow.legal, December 2022

Registering your trademark gives you the right to sue anyone who uses any part of your mark in a way that suggests they are related or endorsed by you without permission of the owner. This includes using similar marks that might lead people to believe they are part of the same company as yours. For example, if someone tried to register “Walmart” as their own company name, Walmart would be able to sue them for infringement because their mark belongs only to Walmart and no one else can use it without permission from Walmart itself

It is well-known that the trademark registration procedure in the USA is quite complicated to understand. Let’s deep dive into it and understand more about it.

As per the United States Trademark Law, a person gets limited rights over his/her trademark once he/she uses it for their products or services. However, registering a mark provides exceptional advantages to the owner such as greater protection, nationwide coverage, and much more.

Since Trademark Registration is an ongoing process, you need to renew it every 10 years. If you don’t renew your trademark, it will be removed from the database and can no longer be used by anyone. The renewal time is 10 years but can be renewed every 10 years after expiry. You will have the option to sell it and add in your assets for selling your business too.


8. How long does it take to register a Trademark in the USA?

When you need to register a trademark, it’s important to understand how long it will take. The USPTO can be a very slow organization, so you’ll want to have a clear idea of how long the process will take – and what steps are involved. Here we’ll discuss everything from filing fees and timelines for approval through the application process.

Timeline Of Trademark Application Process In The USA

Waiting (and waiting) for rejection

Credits: Cen.acs.org, December 2022

It’s important to understand that the time it takes to process your trademark application varies depending on the complexity of your application and how quickly you respond to requests for information from the USPTO. On average, it takes about 6 months for new trademark registration (including responses to official communications) and up to 2 years for an extension of protection.

If you are filing under Section 1(b), then you can expect your application will be reviewed within 8-12 months after filing.

Is trademark registration expensive?

6 Top Reasons To Save Your Money | Bankrate

Credits: Bankrate.com, December 2022

In general, trademark registration is a fairly inexpensive process. The cost of filing a basic application for a mark that includes one class of goods or services is $275. For example, if you want to register your company name as a trademark, the filing fee is $275. If you want to add additional classes (for example, registering both your company name and website as trademarks) the total filing fee will be $375. An international application costs an additional $125 per class of goods or services included in the application—so if you wanted to get your company name registered internationally in addition to registering it domestically, the total cost would be approximately $725 ($275 + 4 x 125 = 525 + 175 = 700).

If you are wondering what is the cost to register a trademark in the USA!

Filing A Trademark Application

  • Fill out the application form.
  • Pay the fee.
  • Provide a specimen of the mark, which will be used to ensure that it is actually registered before you can use it or sell it in commerce, and also demonstrate that it is recognizable as a trademark (that is, not confusingly similar to another registered trademark).
  • Provide a description of goods or services that you are applying for under each class number (this may vary depending on what category of good/service you’re trying to register). For example, if I’m selling iPhone cases online with my company name on them in order to sell more iPhone cases through my website instead of Amazon Marketplace (a subsidiary from Amazon), I might choose classes 9 & 38 because those categories are related closely enough together so as not cause any confusion when someone sees these items being sold at once but might otherwise overlap too much if we tried doing something like putting our company logo on all kinds of different products like umbrellas or microwaves instead (which could get tricky because then people would think our brand was associated with those brands too).

When you file a trademark application, the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) will make an initial assessment by examining your mark to determine if it meets their requirements. If it does not meet their requirements, they will send you a letter explaining why and asking for more information. This process can take from 1-3 months depending on how quickly you respond to the request to amend or clarify your application. Once they have received all of the necessary information, the USPTO will perform a search of existing marks in their database to see if anyone else has used or registered any similar or identical marks in relation to similar goods or services as yours. If there are no conflicting marks that need approval before registration can proceed, then registration should be completed within an additional 3 months after filing (6 months total).

You know you can search for a trademark with an address!

How long does it take to receive a response from the USPTO about my trademark application?

Should You File an Intent-to-use Application With the USPTO?

Credits: Incfile.com, December 2022

The response time for a trademark application depends on the complexity of your filing. The USPTO will respond to your filing within three to six months after submission, but this can vary depending on how busy they are at the time of application.

It’s difficult to know exactly how long it will take for the USPTO to get back to you on your trademark application. The amount of time that passes between filing and getting a response depends on how busy the USPTO is at any given time. If you file during peak times, such as during summer break or around Christmas, expect your application process to be longer than if you filed during off-peak times like February or November.

However, the USPTO does have an extensive backlog of applications that it must process before yours will be reviewed and approved. When you file your application with the USPTO, it goes into a queue where it waits until an examiner has time to review it. The length of time it takes to process your application depends on how long the examiner has available to review your paperwork and how complex your case is (e.g., if there are multiple parties involved or if there are issues with similar trademarks).

Other Important Factors

Application Under Review Stock Illustrations – 71 Application Under Review Stock Illustrations, Vectors & Clipart - Dreamstime

Credits: Dreamstime.com, December 2022

In addition to the above-mentioned factors, there are several other important aspects that you should consider before filing your application. The trademark examiner will review your application and then either approve or deny it. If they find that your application is not eligible for registration, they will send it back to you for correction. While this can be frustrating, it’s usually a good thing because it gives you time to address any issues with your application before paying any fees and submitting another revised version of the same document.

Another thing to be aware of is that the examiner may request additional information or evidence in order to approve your registration. If this happens, don’t worry—it happens all the time! What matters most is being able to provide everything required by law within a reasonable period of time so that nothing holds up (or gets held up) unnecessarily.

Grab more information on trademark registration in the US!


9. Trademark Renewal Process In USA

The renewal process for trademarks is something that every trademark owner needs to be aware of. The USPTO requires all companies and individuals who hold a registered U.S. trademark to renew their registration every 10 years following the date of registration. Once a trademark is registered in the United States, the registration is valid for 10 years following the date of the registration. Use your trademark during this period or you may lose it!

Why is trademark renewal is a fundamental process? | Intellectual Property Firm in Lebanon and Middle East

Credits: Alyafi-ip.com.com, December 2022

To maintain your trademark registration, you must file a combined section 8 and section 9 declaration with the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) within six months of the end of each successive ten-year period after registration, except that no additional fees are required for the first combined section 8 and section 9 declaration if it is filed within six months of the expiration of a registration based on a complete application filed under 37 CFR 2.22(a)(1)(i), (ii), (iii), or (iv). You also have to pay an additional fee to renew your USPTO trademark registration after five years; however, this renewal fee will not apply if you timely file your declaration based on Section 8 by completing form SB/60 instead of submitting form TMREQ14A with payment.”

In the United States, all trademarks are automatically renewed during a five-year period following their registration date. This means that if you register a trademark on January 1st, 2020 and it has not been canceled or abandoned by then, it will be automatically renewed as of January 1st, 2025 (5 years later).

In contrast with other countries such as Canada where renewals must be filed every five years in order to maintain rights over a trademarked name or logo, this automatic renewal system makes filing for trademark renewals much easier for businesses operating across borders when comparing them to those operating exclusively within US borders who do not need to file any additional paperwork whatsoever beyond their initial application – which can save legal costs associated with having an attorney review each individual case since most law firms charge hourly rates rather than flat fees for these types of services anyway!

Once a trademark is registered in the United States, the registration is valid for 10 years following the date of the registration. If no renewal application is submitted by your company to the USPTO during this initial period, your trademark will become abandoned and may be used by another party. This will take away from your brand value as well as threaten your business’s reputation.

If you have a registered trademark and want to keep it active, you must file an application with the U.S Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) every ten years so they can continue to protect it after its initial term has expired.

You should use your trademark as a source identifier during this period or you will lose it. If you do not use your trademark, the registration may be canceled and another party could claim ownership of it.

You must file a Declaration of Use within the first five years after filing for federal registration of your mark in order to keep that exclusive right for each geographical area where you wish to use it. If you fail to file this declaration within five years from the date on which we receive your application, then we will presume that no such use has taken place and our records will be updated accordingly. If such presumption is incorrect and there was indeed some use prior to this time period, but not sufficient enough to prevent cancellation due to non-use under Section 8(d) of the Lanham Act, then we may issue a supplemental notice stating that there has been insufficient evidence provided by the applicant showing actual usage during those preceding five year period.

You must take steps to renew your trademark in advance of the 6th year anniversary date of registration. The USPTO will send you a reminder notice, but it is safest to renew as early as possible.

You also have to pay an additional fee to renew your USPTO trademark registration after five years.

Trademark renewal

Credits: Wedocleverone.com, December 2022

If you are a company that has registered a trademark with the USPTO, and if you want to keep your trademark registered in the United States, then it’s important that you renew your registration periodically. The renewal process is not difficult but does require a few steps on your part.

The first step in the renewal process is to check the status of the existing registration. You can do this by logging into My Trademark (MTA), which is an online service provided by USPTO for managing trademarks. From here, look up any existing registrations under your name or company name, then click on “Check Status of Your Application.” This will allow you to see whether any applications have been filed against them or not; if they haven’t been filed yet then it means there are no objections pending against them.

You can renew your USPTO trademark by paying a $225 filing fee and filling out one of two forms. The TEAS form is for owners who have a registered trademark or have filed an intent-to-use application. If you don’t have either, you’ll need to use the other form, called TM-10/TEAS PLUS, which requires more information about where your business is located and what goods it sells.

You’ll also need to include all the information required in an initial application: a drawing of your logo, its name (or what it’s called), what it’s used for and how, when it was first used commercially in commerce, and where (and when). You can find this information on your initial trademark filing if you’ve already filed one. After that comes renewal fees: $225 per class (the same as before), plus any additional fees associated with amending any part of the original registration that needs updating.


10. Trademark Registration Classes In USA

As a trademark owner, it is essential to understand what classes to register your trademark in. The USPTO uses the International Classification System to classify goods and services when registering trademarks. Each class has a list of goods and services associated with it. Trademark owners must decide which classes they want their trademark registered in. Only those classes that are filed can be protected under the registration. The USPTO will reject an application if it is not filed correctly. There are 45 trademark classes consisting of 34 goods and 11 services.

Trademark Class Search – List of 45 Trademark Classes

Credits: Taxguru.in, December 2022

The legal requirement for registering a trademark is to select the proper class for your trademark. There are 45 classes of goods and services. Class 1 includes items such as:

  • Live animals
  • Foodstuffs and beverages
  • Mineral products, stones, sand, gravel, and other natural substances

The International Classification System is used by many countries around the world and has been adopted by several international organizations, including:

  • The World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO)
  • The European Union Intellectual Property Office (EUIPO)

Each Class Has A List Of Goods and Services!

The United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) is the federal agency that controls trademark registration. They are responsible for creating a list of goods and services associated with each class.

This is important because it tells you what type of products or services you can use your trademark on.

For example, if you want to start selling shirts with your logo on them, then you need to register a trademark in Class 25 under “Clothing” instead of “Entertainment”.

There are 45 classes of goods and services that can be covered by a single trademark application. The class system helps to narrow down what goods or services are being used under one particular mark. It is important for you to understand what classes you want your mark registered in before filing a trademark application with the USPTO so that it is easier for them to identify your products within this category and not another one at a later time.

In order to obtain a registration for your trademark, you must file your application with the USPTO. Only those classes that are filed can be protected under the registration. Trademark filing in another country, the class number may be different.

For example, if you have a trademark registration for “Coffee” and want to register it in France, the class number will be Class 16 (Fine Chemicals) instead of Class 32 (Coffee).

The reason for this is that each country has its own system and rules when choosing classes. Some countries use their own codes while others use international classification systems such as Nice Classification or European Union’s Community Trademark System.

The USPTO will reject an application if it is not filed correctly.

Avoid rejection: 5 mistakes that could work against your trademark application | LegalZoom

Credits: Taxguru.in, December 2022

The USPTO will reject an application if it is not filed correctly. The USPTO requires that your trademark be applied for on the correct form and that it contains all of the information required by law. If you do not follow these rules, then your application may be rejected or delayed in processing.

The first step to registering a trademark is researching the appropriate class(es) your mark will be classified within. This can be done by searching for terms related to your goods or services on the USPTO website and Google. Additionally, you can perform a search on the European Union Intellectual Property Office (EUIPO) and World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO).

A mark should only be registered if it falls into one of these 45 classes:

1 – Agricultural Chemicals and Fertilizers

2 – Agricultural Feeds, Seeds, Soap, Candles and Paints

3 – Animal Feeds; Birds’ Nests; Live Plants; Silkworms; Artificial Flowers

4 – Seats (except barber’s chairs); Tables (except barbers’ tables); Desks, Workbenches; Bureaux; Chairs (except barber’s chairs); Mirrors

Class 1

Chemicals; Materials for Chemical Production; Plastics in Primary Forms; Petroleum and Coal Products, Natural Gas Liquids, Mixtures of Natural Gas and Condensates; Waxes; Fertilizers; Agricultural Feeding Stuff (other than those belonging to other classes); Agricultural, Horticultural and Forestry Products (not included in other classes); Animal Feeds (not included in other classes).

Class 2

Paints, Varnishes Schemes, Enamels Synthetic Resins or similar compositions for application on the surface of building materials or on metals.

Class 3

(a) Apparatus and instruments for photographic, cinematographic (motion-picture), and optical purposes; cameras; projectors; mechanical, magnetic, and optical recording media; downloadable software for the editing and manipulation of images, photographs, diagrams, and text including computer software for use in connection with the Internet or any other computer network attached thereto; software that enables users to access data on the Internet or any other computer network attached thereto through mobile phones.

Class 4

Lubricants for Movable Machinery and Metal Working Fluids including Heat Exchange Fluids Hydraulic Fluids Lubrioments etc., Mineral Oils except Transport Fuels or Fuels for Internal Combustion Engines including Fuel Additives therefor Biologically Active Materials As Well as any Material used in their Manufacture

Class 5

It includes:

  • Veterinary services;
  • Beauty treatment;
  • Hygiene;

Class 6

It is a class for the goods and services related to medical, surgical, dental, and veterinary sciences; hygienic and beauty care for human beings or animals; agriculture, horticulture, and forestry; foodstuffs including dietary supplements, namely, vitamins and minerals.

Class 7

This class is for services in the field of construction, installation, and maintenance of industrial machinery.

  • Services relating to the construction of industrial machinery or equipment;
  • Installation, maintenance or repair services for industrial machinery or equipment;
  • Examination and testing services for any kind of industrial machinery or equipment;
  • Project management services for construction projects not included elsewhere (such as infrastructure projects).

Class 8

This Trademark class covers patents, trademarks, service marks, and copyrights. You might think this is pretty self-explanatory, but let’s take a closer look at what trademark class 8 actually covers:

  • Patents – Only in the United States do you get an automatic monopoly on an invention if you file for a patent. This means that no one else can make or use your invention without your express permission. However, if you don’t protect it with a trademark within 6 months of filing for patent protection (or less than 5 years), then it will go public domain and anyone can use it!
  • Trademarks – A trademark refers to any word, name or symbol used by one company as a unique identifier for their goods or services in commerce with others who are competing against them in those same markets worldwide. For example: Coca Cola™ has become synonymous with soft drinks all over the world due to its distinctive packaging design on cans and bottles everywhere since 1886 when John Pemberton first created his famous drink recipe containing extracts from coca leaves mixed with carbonated water before selling shares publicly at $100 each ($1 million today). He didn’t even bother applying any kind of intellectual property protection until 1889 despite developing his secret formula prior to 1888 while serving time after being convicted of fraudulently passing off products as medicine instead.

Class 9

It is a class of goods and services that includes educational services, scientific and industrial research, medical services; veterinary services; agricultural, horticultural, and forestry services; environmental protection services; fire-fighting services; building construction services; legal services; security services for the protection of property and individuals; computer and information technology consulting.

Class 10

It includes services such as legal services and advice, advertising services, and business management and administrative services.

What you need to know about the Trademark Class:

A registered trademark is a mark that is registered with the trademark office as per the procedure laid down in the Trademarks Act and Rules. The class of goods and services in which your mark will be used determines whether it can be registered or not. A Mark may be registrable if it falls within one or more of these classes.


11. What Types of Trademarks are strong?

In order to understand the different types of marks, you need to know a little bit about how these marks are categorized. Trademarks are broken into four categories or “classes.” The first class is for raw materials and goods, Classes 35 through 42 cover services, Class 43 includes food and drink, Class 44 includes medical services, and so on. Some products or services might fall into more than one class.

7 Criteria for a Great Trademark | Stanton IP Law Firm, P.A.

Credits: Stantoniplaw.com, December 2022

It’s easy to think that all trademarks are the same. But there are actually different types of marks, and some types are stronger than others when it’s time to defend the trademark against infringement. In this article, we’ll explain what types of trademarks exist and why they’re important for businesses.

In addition to having a category or class designation, each trademark is designated as weak or strong. There are three main types of marks:

Generic Marks

A generic term is a word or phrase that names a type or class of goods or services because it is understood to describe the common characteristics of the goods and services rather than distinguish them from other goods or services in the market. For example, “computer” is a generic mark for personal computers because there are many different types of computers and people understand that when they see “computer,” they’re really just talking about any computer—and not just one brand.

Similarly, “car” is considered to be a generic term because there are many different types of automobiles (e.g., sports cars) but people still understand that when they hear this word being used in reference to an automobile, they’re really just talking about any car; it doesn’t matter whether you buy a Honda Civic sedan or a Tesla Model X SUV—you’re still buying yourself a car!

Descriptive Marks

Descriptive marks are terms that convey an immediate idea of the ingredients, qualities, or characteristics of the goods/services. For example, the term “laundry detergent” is a descriptive mark because it tells you exactly what the product does and its ingredients (detergent). Descriptive marks cannot be registered as trademarks unless they have acquired distinctiveness. The test for acquired distinctiveness is whether consumers have come to associate a descriptive mark with a particular manufacturer or source. This means that if a company wants to protect its goods or services under its own name, it must make sure that everyone knows which company produces those goods or services. If multiple businesses sell similar products under similar names, confusion may arise among consumers as to who actually owns which trademark.

Suggestive Marks

Suggestive marks do not describe a particular feature but instead suggest something about the product or service. However, they are stronger than descriptive marks and can be registered if they have acquired distinctiveness. For example, when Apple introduced the iPod in 2001, it was a brand-new category of product. Therefore, no one had any idea what an iPod was until Apple introduced it to the market and consumers started buying them because of their sleek design and easy-to-use interface (iPod = “Oh my God” + “POD”). The wordplay here is strong: when combined with these other elements of branding (iPod = “Oh my God”), this mark becomes very distinctive in nature.

However, suggestive marks must be distinctive to be eligible for registration with USPTO; therefore if your proposed mark sounds like another word that has already been used by someone else then you will have difficulty getting it approved by USPTO even though your logo may have some clever play on words within its design itself.

To be eligible for trademark registration, a trademark must be distinctive and not likely to cause confusion. This can be difficult because there are no hard and fast rules when it comes to determining whether a trademark is distinctive or confusingly similar. There are also no specific guidelines for what makes a mark “strong.” However, there are some general principles that you should remember when evaluating whether your proposed trademark is strong.

A strong trademark will have at least one element that has nothing to do with the goods or services being offered by the company but instead describes something about the company itself—such as its name or logo (e.g., Apple). The more unique your business name and logo are, the stronger they will be considered when assessing distinctiveness and the likelihood of confusion between other trademarks in your industry segment.

Distinctive trademarks

Distinctive trademarks are those that are not generic, descriptive or merely suggestive. In other words, they’re open for trademark registration because they’re unique and not just a word by themselves. These types of trademarks distinguish the source of goods from others. The mark must be distinctive in order to be eligible for registration.

Strong trademarks

How to trademark your startup on a budget

Credits: Startupbell.com, December 2022

A trademark is considered strong when it has been used for a long time, its distinctive, and has not been challenged by an opposing party. A strong trademark is likely to be more difficult to challenge if someone else tries to register the same or similar mark. With these things in mind, let’s explore how you can tell if your mark is considered “strong.”

For example:

  • The word “Microsoft” is a strong word mark because it isn’t descriptive of any particular goods or services (your browser isn’t necessarily made by Microsoft), nor does anyone confuse its meaning with another company called MicroSoft Corp., which was incorporated at around the same time but only provides consulting services related specifically within one industry segment where both companies operate today–leaving little room for confusion among consumers who might think that these two companies have something do with each other despite having no direct ties whatsoever today (they don’t even share common ownership).


12. How to Conduct Trademark Search In USA?

Trademark Search and Examination is the process of identifying, examining, and deciding whether to register a mark. Trademark search involves searching for similar or identical marks, while an examination is the formal investigation and review of an application to determine its eligibility for registration on various grounds such as descriptiveness, the likelihood of confusion with existing marks (or lack thereof), right to use, etc. For the sake of corporate identity, trademarks could be represented by signs such as logos, slogans, and emblems.

Determine the goods and services that you wish to register. This is a crucial step in trademark search because if your mark includes words or symbols that are not related to your business or product, it can cause confusion in the marketplace.

A single mark may be used for many different types of products or services. For example, “BMW” is registered as a trademark for automobiles as well as motorcycles. But before registering this same mark for both automobiles and motorcycles, BMW must first ensure that no one else has already registered their marks on those particular goods or services—that is where registration comes into play.

The first step in trademarking your business is to conduct a comprehensive search for your exact or similar mark. You need to find out if the trademark is available for use and registration. To do so, you can either search online or at the USPTO (United States Patent and Trademark Office). If there are no results from searching online, then you will need to submit an application form with proof of ownership (such as a Certificate of Origin) for trademark registration with the USPTO. It’s also important that you check with the USPTO before proceeding with any trademark applications because there may be restrictions on certain words or phrases that can be registered as trademarks.

How to Do Trademark Image Search at USPTO Website | TMReady | Blog

Credits: Uspto.gov, December 2022

Narrow down the search results by removing any irrelevant trademarks.

If you’ve never run a trademark search before, you’ll likely have many results to sift through. To make it easier on yourself, start by eliminating any trademarks that are not related to your goods or services. You should also eliminate any trademarks that are not registered in the US or registered in the class you’re searching.

Consult A Trademark Attorney

If you are planning to file a trademark application for your business, it is important that you hire a trademark attorney to help you with the registration process. The lawyer will conduct a comprehensive search of all existing trademarks and determine if the remaining trademarks present an obstacle to filing your own application. As part of this process, they will also help determine whether or not your desired mark is available for use and trademark registration and draft an appropriate affidavit relating to any potential conflict between your and others’ marks.

The trademark application attorney will also assist in filing the application itself once all necessary research has been conducted on your behalf (including any reports required by law), as well as defend it against potential challenges from third parties who feel that their rights have been violated by its use.

What makes a trademark distinctive?

Credits: Legalvision.com.au, December 2022

Searching for registered trademarks can help you make informed decisions about registering your own trademark in the US. The trademark search is important to determine if your desired mark is available for use and registration. It will save you money and time that would otherwise be spent on an invalid application or legal action against someone else who has already applied or has a pending application.

Complete Trademark Search Online

If you are ready to move forward with your trademark search, there are certain things that you will need to look into.

  • Completeness of the Search – You should make sure that your search is complete enough. There are numerous free resources available on the internet which will help in finding all these details.
  • Search for Similar Marks – You should also scan through similar marks registered prior to yours so as to avoid any conflict later on. This can be done by making use of a subscription-based service provided by most USPTO’s or you can simply conduct it yourself by googling ‘registration date’ + ‘mark/trademark name’ and then downloading them from their official website directly.
  • Search for the Same Mark In All Classes – Your search has been completed but if you haven’t looked up each class individually, then it would be incomplete as well! Nowadays, people register trademarks not just in one category but multiple categories at once! And because of this phenomenon, it’s very common these days that businesses are doing brand name registration in multiple classes like clothing and apparel; building materials; furniture etc., because they want an advantage over their competitors when selling products online via websites such as Amazon Marketplace (Amazon) or eBay (eBay). So make sure that whatever classification system was used by these companies when registering trademarks under their respective names should also be used during your research work too.

Common Law Trademark Search

What is common law trademark search and why is it important?

Credits: Thetrademarksearchcompany.com, December 2022

Another way to conduct a trademark search is by doing a common law trademark search. This type of search will help you determine whether the mark you want to use is already in use and by whom.

Common Law Trademark Search involves:

  • A search of the USPTO database and database of other countries where similar products are sold (e.g., Canada, Mexico, Japan). This helps determine if any similar trademarks exist within the USPTO or in other countries where similar goods/services are sold;
  • A search of online databases such as Amazon, Google Books and Pinterest;
  • Finding out whether there are any signs that may be registered trademarks for your business name or product description; and
  • Conducting an internet image search on various platforms like Google Image Search, Pinterest etcetera

Business Names and Phonebook Listings

Business names and phonebook listings may not be enough to conduct a successful trademark search. Trademark owners can keep their information confidential, so you may not find them on business directories or in the phone book. However, if you check your competitor’s business name in the local phone book and find that it is listed under another name, then this could mean that they have already established rights to use it as their trademark.

Newspapers and Periodicals

A search of newspaper and periodical databases can help you determine if your mark is the same or similar to another mark that has already been used in the United States.

For example, if you have a new restaurant business and you want to open an Italian restaurant, you would like to make sure that there are no other similar restaurants with a similar name or logo in your area. To do this type of search, look through newspapers such as The New York Times, Los Angeles Times and The San Francisco Chronicle for any mentions of “Italian restaurants” or “restaurants in Italy” during a certain time frame (such as within three years). If any references are found using these specific keywords, then it is likely that someone else has already used the same or similar marks before you did thus making yours less distinctive; therefore it will be harder for U.S Customs & Border Protection officials when reviewing your goods at ports across America because it could result in seizing them based on likelihoods alone rather than being able to prove any actual infringement issues against your company’s products/services.”


13. Using an Abandoned Trademark

If you are thinking about using an abandoned trademark and want to avoid getting into legal trouble down the road, it’s important that you talk to someone who knows what they’re doing.

An abandoned trademark is one that has not been used in commerce by its owner for three years or more. This type of trademark may be available for you to use, but it comes with some risks.

Abandoned vs Refused Trademark Status: Everything You Need to Know

Credits: Quickcompany.in, December 2022

An abandoned trademark’s legal status can be confusing because the US Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) does not maintain a database of every registered mark in existence. Instead, they maintain a database of marks that are currently active, which includes both active and abandoned trademarks. The difference between an active and an abandoned registration is determined by whether the owner has been using their mark on products or services in commerce within the past three years. If they have not, then their brand name registration becomes abandoned after three years pass without any activity from them as an owner (more specifically: no renewal application).

You can search the trademark database yourself.

If you want to conduct your own search, there are several ways to go about it. You can try entering a mark into the USPTO’s trademark database yourself and see if any results come up. If there are no results, you can submit an application for trademark registration on your own without a trademark application attorney’s help.

For example, if you enter “Apple” (the name of one of the world’s most well-known tech companies) into the Trademark Electronic Search System (TESS), it will return three records: one for Apple Inc., one for Apple Computers Inc., and another that’s been abandoned by its owner but not yet released by the USPTO. You’ll have to do some investigation to figure out which is yours.

You should come up with a strategy before you start. When you’re picking an abandoned trademark, there are some things to keep in mind. First of all, make sure it’s not in use by someone else. You don’t want to pick a mark that has some other business attached to it—if they still have rights to sell products or services under your brand name, you could get into trouble for infringing on their trademark. The easiest way to check this is by searching for the trademark online. If it comes up with no results, then that means no one else owns it and you can proceed with registering your own version of it.

If the abandoned mark has already been registered as active by someone else (or if it was previously registered but now shows as abandoned), then you’ll need additional legal advice on how to proceed. Contact attorneys or trademark specialists to help you devise a strategy if you are not sure how to proceed yourself.

It may be difficult to pursue an abandoned trademark.

Can I register or use a dead trademark? | Law Office of Matthew M. Yospin

Credits: Yospinlaw.com, December 2022

There are a few things to consider before you decide to pursue an abandoned trademark:

  • Abandoned trademarks are not necessarily free for the taking. A trademark can be abandoned if the owner does not use it for three years and fails to respond to an official inquiry from the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO). However, there may be other reasons why a company would fail to respond, such as bankruptcy or reorganization. If this is the case, then they may still own their mark until they officially abandon it in court through a legal process called cancellation proceedings.
  • You could be sued by someone else with a similar name or logo who thinks you’re trying to steal their brand reputation when all you’re doing is trying to help them out. This is especially true if you have no affiliation with the real owner of that name or logo but just want people’s attention from using it yourself so badly (we call these “fringe” cases). If this happens, don’t worry: It’ll pass soon enough—just keep moving forward without looking back too much!

If you are using a mark that matches an existing one, then you will probably lose if challenged. The fact that your mark was abandoned can be used as evidence in the trademark infringement case against you. The court will assume that since the previous owner abandoned their brand name registration, they did so because they no longer wanted to use it for some reason (e.g., because it was causing confusion with another company’s mark). This could mean that your own claim of ownership over the mark is suspect and should not be granted by the PTO or court.

It may be possible for you to argue otherwise—for example, if your product or service is completely unrelated to those previously sold by the original owner of a registered trademark—but this would require extensive research into previous owners’ activities and practices before filing any application with an examining attorney at USPTO (United States Patent & Trademark Office).

If your mark does not match any existing marks, then you may have an opportunity to register it.

In order to register it, you will need to show that you were the one who first used it in commerce, even though its original owner had failed to do so.

The question of whether the mark was abandoned by its original owner is important because if it wasn’t, someone else may have rights to the mark. If they do and they don’t consent to your use of it, they can file an opposition with the USPTO and prevent you from getting your brand trademark registration. The best way for a new user of an abandoned trademark to show that use is through sales receipts or other proof of purchase by consumers.


14. Tips to Avoid Trademark Rejection

The mark is not distinct enough. The mark may be generic or descriptive and lack the required distinctiveness to be registered. The applicant is using a generic name for the goods and services listed in the application, or the description of goods/services is so broad that it lacks clarity. The mark conflicts with an identical or similar mark used by another party. The applicant listed false information or failed to complete the application properly.

For example: If you want to register “Yoga” as your company’s name, you probably don’t want anyone else doing yoga classes under that same name—even if they aren’t doing it for profit!

9 ways to reject an applicant » themarketingresultsblog.com

Credits: Themarketingresultsblog.com, December 2022

When applying for registration, it’s important not only to meet all requirements set forth by law but also keep in mind how these rules affect others who might use similar names themselves (or as part of their business). In fact, there are many factors beyond just legality that go into whether or not someone can get away with using an existing trademarked term without getting sued by its owner; however, most often these legal issues arise due either because:

1) Someone has gotten around their own rights by buying out other companies before them (which means those companies’ rights were transferred along with theirs).

2) Someone hasn’t paid off previous debts owed under contract terms.

If your application is rejected, it can be due to the mark not being distinctive enough. Your trademark must be distinctive in order to protect it against others who are using similar marks. The mark must also not be descriptive (such as “The Best Way To Make Money”), generic (like “Baby Food”, or confusingly similar to an existing mark (for example, if someone else has already been using a similar name).

5 Reasons Customers "Reject" Your Offer and How To Deal With It

Credits: Advotics.com, December 2022

If the mark is generic, it means that it describes the product or service and lacks any distinctive quality. For example, if you were to file a trademark application for “the best ice cream in town,” this would be considered descriptive because it simply describes what your product does. It doesn’t communicate any specific features of yours—it could mean anything from “thick” to “no sugar added.”

If your trademark is descriptive and lacks distinctiveness, by following this you can avoid rejection:

  • Improve the quality of your mark so that it becomes more unique. This may require some research into why customers have been buying products with similar names in past years; perhaps they just liked them better than other brands on sale at their local grocery store? Or maybe they forgot about one brand altogether until they saw another one advertised nearby while shopping online? In order to improve upon what was once considered normalcy now seems unusual due to its high-quality standards set forth by corporate management teams across industries worldwide who work tirelessly behind closed doors each day trying desperately find new ways around getting ahead financially without sacrificing quality too much further down line since profits have already been compromised due to cut-throat competition.

If your trademark application is rejected because the description of goods and services is too broad, you may have to go back and try again. The applicant is using a generic name for the goods and services listed in the application, or the description of goods/services is so broad that it lacks clarity.

For example, A prospective applicant wanted to register DOGS FOR SALE under its own name (DOGS FOR SALE). Because all dogs are not alike, however, this would likely result in an objection from other businesses selling dogs under their own names—and possibly even action by law enforcement agencies seeking clarification on what constitutes “dogs” in commerce today.

The mark conflicts with an identical or similar mark used by another party.

Envelope in Hands with Letter Rejected Stock Vector - Illustration of feedback, icon: 88617404

Credits: Dreamstime.com, December 2022

If the mark is confusingly similar to an existing mark, it may be rejected. This is a direct conflict with another party’s brand or product because the two marks are likely to be used in a similar way. For example, if you start selling shirts with your logo printed on them and another company starts selling shirts with their logo printed on them, this could cause confusion among consumers about who made what item (and why).

If you have applied for protection of your trademark but others have registered identical or similar marks before you can use yours, then it may also be rejected due to being “confusingly similar” because there will likely not be any difference between how your products are marketed as compared with theirs (e.g., if they were both selling moisturizer products).

The applicant listed false information or failed to complete the application properly.

If you’re applying for a trademark, the process is pretty simple: you fill out an application, provide your contact information and submit it. If you’re rejected because of something as simple as not filling out the form properly or providing false information, then this could be a red flag that your application will get rejected in general.

If you are filling out applications for businesses that are already established and have been using their mark for years on end, then it’s important to make sure that all of your facts are correct and complete so that there aren’t any issues later on down the road when they need to renew their registration with the USPTO (United States Patent and Trademark Office).

Watch out for these common mistakes when applying for a trademark:

What are Seven Common and Costly Mistakes to Avoid While Registering Trademarks?

Credits: Intuitmanagementconsultancy.com, December 2022

  • Check for typos and grammar errors.
  • Make sure you are aware of the correct spelling of the mark. If it’s a name, make sure that it’s spelled correctly. For example: if you’re using “the” in your mark, check to see if “the” is being used instead of “theirs.”
  • Make sure you have included all of the information required by the USPTO (such as goods and services).
  • Make sure your mark is not too similar to another trademark already registered by someone else or being used commercially in America–for example: Coca-Cola has trademarked their famous red cross logo; however they did not register this logo for use on merchandise because consumers might confuse it with another company which already had rights over such usage (such as Starbucks Coffee Company).

How to prevent rejection:

  • Full name and address of the applicant
  • Name and address of the legal representative
  • Name, address, and telephone number of agent/attorney in fact (if applicable)
  • Name and address of assignee (if applicable)
  • Description of goods/services

Trademark certification can be a great asset for your business, but it’s important to know what you’re getting into before submitting an application. By taking these tips into consideration, you should be able to avoid rejection and move forward with the process!


15. What To Do When Your Trademark is Already registered?

If you have a trademark that is already registered, there are several things to do. In this post we will go over some of the most common questions and answers when it comes to registering a new trademark.

Keep check on these points:

  • Check to see if the trademark is registered.
  • Check to see if the trademark is being used.
  • Check to see if the trademark is registered in your country or not (if you are unsure, ask your attorney).
  • Look for similar registered trademarks that have been filed by someone else who owns them – and make sure they don’t infringe on yours!

You should check the registration status of the existing trademark. The easiest way to do this is by using a search engine, such as Google or Bing. Type in your trademark and see if any results come up. You may also want to consider checking with an attorney if you are unsure about whether or not your mark has been abandoned or canceled by its owner.

Reasons for Trademark Application Rejection - Swarit Advisors

Credits: Swaritadvisors.com, December 2022

If you want to register a new trademark, you need to check if the existing trademark is being used by the owner. You can do this by checking the owner’s website or other places where they are advertising their service or product. If they are using your proposed mark in a way that is likely to cause confusion with your current registered trademark (e.g., a confusingly similar name), then this may be grounds for objection under Section 2(d) of UCC 1-308(1)(b).

If there is no evidence of use by the owner and/or no evidence that would lead any reasonable person in believing that use will occur soon after application for registration, then filing an “intent-to-use” application may not be necessary since it may be assumed that no indication exists yet about whether or not any potential confusion exists between both parties’ respective marks.”

File an application to cancel or abandon the existing trademark.

If you want to cancel or abandon your trademark, you can file an application with the Trademarks Office. The application should be filed within one year after the trademark was registered. It must also be filed in the same country that issued it as a registered mark—not where you live or work!

The applicant should include all relevant information such as:

  • An explanation of why they believe their trademark has become widely known enough so that it cannot be distinguished from others on any basis other than sound judgment;
  • A description of how they intend to use their proposed mark (e.g., product name); and
  • Proof that they have no plans on using another similar mark.

Find Out If They Are Using It

Before you can protect your trademark, it’s important to be sure that the mark is actually being used by someone else. There are several ways to do this.

  • Find out who owns the trademark: You can do this by checking with the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO). The USPTO maintains a database of registered trademarks and will provide an owner’s contact information for each one if you request it via their website or email form on their website.* Avoid using your own mark: If someone else has already trademarked your product name or slogan, then using those words as part of your business name could cause confusion among consumers and limit potential sales opportunities.* Negotiate a license fee: If there isn’t any possibility that yours could infringe upon another party’s rights under intellectual property law but still wants to use them anyway—for example, because they want their own website featuring these same words so people know what products they sell—then negotiate with them about licensing fees instead of suing over copyright issues.* Look for similar trademarks: Once again, this depends on whether or not there’s any possibility that someone else might think theirs infringes upon yours; however, if there isn’t any evidence pointing towards infringement then simply looking at other similar marks might give some insight into whether or not anyone else may have registered theirs already!

Avoid Using The Mark

  • Do not use the Mark. If you have a trademark for your name, do not use it in any way to promote your business or products. This includes using it on business cards and website content, as well as in advertisements or marketing materials of any kind.
  • Do not use the Mark as part of an existing trademark that belongs to someone else (even if you own all rights to that mark). For example: if Joe Smith owns “Joe’s Barbecue Sauce” and he wants to sell more bottles of his sauce on Amazon Prime Day 2018 at 10 p.m., he cannot simply say “Amazon Prime Day is coming up soon! Buy my barbecue sauce now before everyone else does!” He must instead choose another way for consumers interested in buying his product during that time period—like emailing them directly from their own email inboxes instead of trying again with direct mailings later down the road when things settle back down again after holiday season ends…

Negotiate A License

How to Negotiate a Licensing Agreement Like a Pro | Inc.com

Credits: Inc.com, December 2022

When you’re ready to go after a trademark, there are two basic options: negotiate a license or file an opposition.

  • Negotiate a License: If you can’t come up with the cash for an outright purchase, negotiating a license might be your best bet. You have several tools at your disposal—including letters of intent and “letters of support”—that can help you get closer to an agreement on terms for licensing your mark (and potentially saving money).
  • File an Opposition: If it’s clear that someone else owns the trademark involved in this case and has no intention of selling out their rights, filing for the opposition could be effective; however good their arguments may seem on paper (or even before they’re heard), once both parties make public statements about what they intend to do next—such as filing suit against each other—they’ll likely face sanctions if they don’t comply with court orders based on those statements made during discovery proceedings related specifically toward resolving disputes between opposing parties regarding whether or not certain actions should take place within those orders themselves.”

Look For Similar Trademarks

similar trademarks | What are confusingly similar trademarks?

Credits: Magtrademarks.com, December 2022

If you find a similar trademark, you may want to file a lawsuit against the owner of that mark. You can do so by filing your own trademark infringement suit in the district court where they live and registering your own trademarks after they have been registered on the federal level.

If you don’t find any other similar marks, then it’s time for action! The first step is checking if there are any laws protecting consumers from this type of behavior (such as anti-counterfeiting laws). If there aren’t any such laws in effect yet, then we’ll need to get those passed before our company can continue operating legally under its new name and logo design!

Trademark applications can be denied if there is a prior registered trademark. Simple research may reveal that a trademark is available and able to be registered.

In many cases, you do not need to worry about this issue. If a trademark has been registered by another company and you want to avoid a dispute, then it is important that you make sure that your application is not rejected because of an existing trademark.

As you can see, there are a few things to do when trying to protect your trademark. The first option is to look for similar trademarks that might be available for registration. If none are found, then it is time to start the process of filing an application with the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) and await their decision. While waiting for them to respond, you may want to consider using another mark so that if they deny your request it will not have any impact on sales or profits.


16. Things You Need To Do To Protect Your Trademark

Having a trademark is like having a business card that says, “I’m the real deal.” But like all good things, trademarks need protection. And for good reason: trademark infringement is rampant and damages are huge. So how do you protect your trademark? We’ll answer those questions and more in this article.

Choose A Strong Trademark

You need to choose a strong trademark. A strong trademark is one that is different, unique and easy to remember. It should also be easy for people to pronounce and recognize as yours.

You don’t want your company name or product name to end up being used by someone else because it sounds similar to the other person’s name. This could mean losing customers who associate your brand with someone else’s product or service, which would hurt your business in the long run.

A good way of choosing a good trademark: think about what makes your idea unique compared with others’ ideas; make sure there isn’t already an existing trademark that sounds similar; consider its length – too short won’t be memorable while too long may not make sense when read out loud etc…

Conduct A Comprehensive Trademark Search

Free Trademark Search: 4 Search Strategies to do in 2020 - GreyB

Credits: Greyb.com, December 2022

Conducting a comprehensive trademark search is the first step in protecting your mark. If you already know that there are other companies using the word or phrase, this will help ensure that you don’t infringe on someone else’s rights.

You should also keep in mind that searches done by online services may not be as accurate as those done by people who know what they’re doing; also, some search engines only offer limited results when searching for domain names. It’s best to use an independent company with experience handling trademarks and other intellectual property issues.

Perform Your Own Clearance Searches

  • What is a clearance search?

A clearance search is an act of searching for a trademark in databases to see if it has been registered or used before. If your trademark has already been claimed by someone else, then you want to make sure that no one else can use it before you do. This can help keep your business from being confused with another company’s products or services and keep them from getting sued by competitors who think they have the same idea as yours!

Register Your Trademark With The USPTO

Apply online | USPTO

Credits: Uspto.gov, December 2022

Before you can bring your mark to market, it’s important to register it with the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO). The USPTO is the only entity authorized by law to register trademarks in the United States, so if you’re going to protect your trademark—and make sure no one else does—you’ll want to get that done right away.

The USPTO is not affiliated with any other trademark registration services; its sole purpose is to register federally protected marks on behalf of their owners through a process known as “grant.”

Maintain your trademark registration

  • Keep your registration current.
  • Pay the renewal fee.
  • Respond to official correspondence from the USPTO.
  • Keep your contact information up-to-date, including phone numbers and email addresses on file with the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO).

Use the ® symbol

The ® symbol is a way to protect your trademark and show that it’s official. You can use it on all of the things that you use to advertise or promote your product or service. If you sell food, for example, then use the © symbol on any advertising material like flyers or billboards—even if there are no other people involved in making what they sell (like restaurants). The same goes for all products and services: You should always make sure that your brand name is protected by using this symbol at every opportunity!

Problems Using the Registered Trademark Symbol with Products or Services Sold in a Foreign Country - Eric Waltmire's Blog

Credits: Waltmire.com, December 2022

Your Mark’s Reputation

One of the most important things you can do to protect your mark is to keep an eye on its reputation. This means keeping track of what people are saying about it, how they’re using it, and where they’re using it in different contexts.

When a potential client mentions your name or trademark in their conversation with you, take note:

  • Is this person familiar with your business? If not, then ask them if they have any questions about the company before proceeding further into negotiations.
  • Are there any other companies that use similar names/trademarks (or even worse—the same logo)? This could be indicative of legal trouble down the road if someone else comes forward with claims against both parties’ brands before either party has time to file suit against them first!

Trademarks are incredibly valuable and you need to protect yours.

Get The Trademark Protected - Intellect Worldwide

Credits: Intellect-worldwide.com, December 2022

A trademark is a name, symbol or another device that distinguishes the goods of one person or organization from those of another. Trademarks can be registered with federal agencies such as the US Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) or state agencies like New York’s Department of Commerce which issue certificates of good standing with each registration/registration update.

Trademark law protects your brand by preventing others from using your name in a way that will cause confusion among consumers about whether they’re buying something made by you or someone else. If you follow these easy steps, and if no one else jumps on the bandwagon before then your trademark will be in good shape for a long time!


17. Trademark Common Mistakes

If you’re planning on filing for a trademark, it’s important to know what the common mistakes are and how to avoid them. Here are some of the easiest ways to screw up your trademark application:

Not Having A Business Name

Business Name - How To Name A Business

Credits: Howtostartanllc.com, December 2022

The first step to choosing a business name is to understand why you need one. A good first step is to ask yourself, “What do I want this company or brand to stand for?” For example:

  • If your business sells clothes and accessories that represent your personality, then the name of your business should reflect this idea by using words that describe what you sell (such as “Closet Love” for clothes).
  • If your focus is on helping people find jobs and giving them advice on how they can improve their resumes, then it would make sense for them call themselves something like “The Resume Guy.”

Once you’ve decided which type of company makes most sense for who wants there be more people know about them—and who knows better than us?—then it’s time we move on!

Confusing “Trademark” and “Copyright”

Do I need a copyright or a trademark?

Credits: Bowersanddelperal.com, December 2022

You may have heard the terms “copyright” and “trademark” used interchangeably, but they are actually two separate things. Copyright protects creative works such as books, movies and songs. Trademark protects the name of a business or product or service that’s been identified as belonging to somebody else (for example, Apple is trademarked by Apple Computer).

Copyright protection is automatic: once an original work has been created—whether it be poetry or music—the creator can control how other people use their work without permission from anyone else involved in its creation (including the publisher). This is why you’ll often hear about a famous author giving away their manuscripts for free online: they know that if these materials were sold commercially without any authorization from them first then someone could legally sue them for copyright infringement since this would mean stealing money from themselves!

Filing Yourself — The Wrong Way

Why choose Trademark Factory to register your trademarks

Credits: Trademarkfactory.com, December 2022

Now that you know the basics of trademark law, let’s talk about the one thing that can make or break your application: filing yourself.

You might think that filing yourself is an easy way to save money and time, but in reality, it is not. You will run into problems with your application if:

  • You don’t know what you’re doing;
  • There are mistakes in your paperwork (like misspelling words);

Not Searching Before You Decide On A Name

  • Searching is the first step to ensuring that your name is available.
  • You should search in the country where you plan to use the mark.
  • Searching should be done in multiple languages, and it’s important to include relevant translations of key terms like “goods” and “services” into your search results.
  • A search can help you find more information about trademarks than just what’s listed on the Trademark Office website—it will also provide links directly back to each application where they were applied for, so there’s no need for additional research!

Forgetting to Monitor Trademark Infringements

Monitoring your trademark is an important part of enforcing it. It’s also the most direct way to protect your brand from infringement, but there are a few things you should keep in mind when monitoring:

  • Check the Trademark Register regularly, especially if you have a new trademark or one that is relatively new. There could be other companies using similar marks as yours (for example, if it was only used for 5 years).
  • If someone uses your mark in a way that violates their own rights, contact them immediately and inform them about what happened so they can take action against this person right away! This will help prevent further confusion around who owns which rights over trademarks within their community/country (which may lead down some interesting paths).

Not Trademarking Common-Law Rights

  • Common-law rights are the rights that exist prior to any written contract. For example, if you have a business and you want to use someone else’s trademarked name for your products or services, this would be considered common-law use of the mark in question.
  • If you do not protect your common law rights when they arise (or are threatened), then they can be lost forever! This is why it’s crucial that you take steps right now so that future generations don’t have their own brands suffer from misappropriation issues due to trademark protection efforts by companies before them.

The term trademark can be used in three ways:

  • Trademarks can refer to a business entity that owns the exclusive right to use the name on its goods and services; this is called common law registration of a mark. A company may also apply for federal registration of its mark with the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO). This type of registration is called statutory instead because it comes from Congress rather than courts or legislatures, but both types serve similar functions: protecting consumers against confusion when buying products with similar names as theirs.
  • A famous example is Apple Inc., which registered its iconic “I’m a Mac” slogan in 1979 after witnessing an Apple II advertisement being rejected by several TV networks because it sounded too much like another show’s slogan (“I’m not just another computer”).

Do your research before you choose a trademark and register it. There are many common mistakes that can be made, but the most important thing is to have an understanding of what trademark law is and why it’s important for businesses like yours.


18. Trademark V/s Copyright

Trademarks and copyrights are two types of intellectual property rights. Trademarks are a brand name or logo used by an organization. Copyrights refer to the rights that an author has over his/her works. A trademark is the exclusive right of the owner to commercially use his/her mark in relation to certain goods or services. A copyright is the exclusive right of an author of any creative work (or economic rights holder) to publish, reproduce, distribute, perform and display that work publicly for a limited period of time

Trademark vs. Copyright: Which One Is Right for Your Work?

Credits: G2.com, December 2022

A copyright protects the expression of an idea.

It grants an exclusive right to the author or economic rights holder to publish, reproduce, distribute and perform their works publicly for a limited period of time. The protection subsists from the moment the work is created in fixed form.

A Trademark protects the name/logo that identifies a product or service.

It is an identifier of origin, quality, and/or use. A copyright protects creative expression in all forms including text, music (musical composition), sound recordings, and visual images.

While both are protected by law, there are differences between trademarks and copyrights:

  • Trademarks are unique identifiers for products or services which may be used repeatedly within a limited period of time (elements 2-5 above) while copyrights last forever unless they are abandoned by their owner(s). This means that if you buy a product with an expired copyright notice on it then you’re buying counterfeit goods – even if you don’t know what those words mean!

Copyright laws come under Intellectual Property Rights (IPR).

Copyright laws come under Intellectual Property Rights (IPR). The copyright act, 1957, is a central piece of legislation governing intellectual property rights in India. It has been amended several times since its original passage and continues to be amended as well.

Intro to Intellectual Property Law Part III: What is Copyright Law? - Lexology

Credits: lexology.com, December 2022

The basic idea behind copyright protection is that an author has exclusive rights over his/her work for a certain period of time after it’s published or made available to the public without permission from anyone else; this includes making copies or publicly performing it without compensating someone else for doing so.

Trademarks come under Industrial Property Rights (IPR).

Trademarks are a type of intellectual property (IP) that are used to protect the names and logos that identify products or services. Trademarks can be registered with the government, which provides legal protection for them. Copyrights are another type of IP that protects creative works such as books, paintings, music recordings, and movies.

Trademark is a sign, design or expression which identifies products or services of a particular source from those of others.

There are many kinds of trademarks, such as logos, slogans, and product packaging. Trademarks are used to help consumers identify the source of goods and services. Trademark law protects distinctive products or services by means of identifying them with their owners through words or symbols (i.e., “The world’s best ice cream” or “The person who made this shirt was born in America”).

Copyright is a legal term used to describe the rights that creators have over their literary and artistic works.

When you create something original in any form – whether it be a poem or an image – you are considered the owner of that content until someone else owns it. This could happen if you put your work on paper; if someone photocopies it; if they make an audio recording from your speech at an event; or even if they take photos of your painting at home.

In a trademark, the name and logo of the brand are protected while in copyright; the work’s author has the rights.

Trademark does not allow the owner to prevent others from using their name, logo, or design for any reason at all; however, if you have been using your mark in commerce for 10 years then it may be protected under federal law and state laws as well. A copyright protects the author’s rights to control how his/her work is used after it has been created (for example print media) – no one else can use this material without permission from the owner.

It is important to protect artistic works and the branding of a company.

It is important to protect your work, your brand, and your intellectual property. It is equally important that you do not infringe upon the rights of others who have created similar content.

You must be aware of what can be copyrighted or trademarked in order to protect yourself against legal issues related to infringement. The following are some examples:

  • Copyright protects original creative content; it does not extend protection beyond the person who creates it (even if he or she assigns publication rights). For example, if I create a song and publish it on iTunes or Spotify and then someone else writes their own version based on mine but they don’t get published anywhere then there’s no problem with that since neither my song nor any part thereof has been copied by them without permission from me first—but if someone else starts selling t-shirts featuring my artwork without getting permission from me first then we definitely have an issue here!

A trademark’s mark must be used in conjunction with goods or services that are identical to those that it identifies. For example, if you sell deodorant under your company’s name but use another company’s logo on your products, then this would not be considered an infringement of their copyright because they are distinct from yours (and thus legally protected).

If it were illegal for someone else to sell deodorant under their own name without permission from either party involved (including yourself), then there would be no way for anyone else who wanted to sell such items legally.

Copyright also includes computer software. Copyright protects original works of authorship such as books, music DVDs or songs (including those downloaded from iTunes), films or photographs. Copyright does not apply if you make your own clothes; prepare food for family use only; sell items like flowers grown in your own garden; or prepare meals for friends at home with ingredients that you yourself grew on your property

Trademarks can be renewed when the copyright expires after some point in time.

Why Renew a Trademark?

Credits: Vakilsearch.com, December 2022

There is a major difference between copyright and trademark rights. While copyright lasts for the life of the author, it can be renewed only once. In other words, if you are an author and your book gets published after 35 years of its publication date (i.e., today), then your book will be protected by copyright until 2028. However, if you want to renew your trademark after 10 years from its first use (and not before), then it is possible for you to do so anytime during those 10 years with no restrictions on how many times you can do so during this period! They can be used in connection with goods and/or services to identify them as originating from the trademark owner.

For example:

  • A trademark may be used on clothing to indicate that it was made by a particular company

Copyright protection subsists from the moment the work is created in fixed form.

This means that if you create a picture, then you get copyright over it. The idea behind this is that your work must be original and creative in order to qualify for copyright protection. It also means that you cannot copy someone else’s image or idea without their permission—if they’re not making any money off of what they’re doing, then there’s no reason for them to give yours any more recognition than necessary!

It’s important to note though: even though your photo might appear very similar to one already available online (or anywhere else), this does not mean that either party can claim ownership over it!

The best way to protect your intellectual property is by registering a trademark and copyright. This will give you the right to sue anyone who uses your brand name or logo without consent.


19. Trademark V/s Patent

Trademark registration and service marks are registered by USPTO in USA. A trademark is a sign, symbol, word or name (registered with the USPTO) used in commerce to identify and distinguish the goods of one manufacturer from those of others. The owner of a federally registered trademark obtains the nationwide constructive notice of ownership of the trademark rights.

Difference Between Trademark and Patent (with Comparison Chart) - Key Differences

Credits: keydifferences.com, December 2022

Patents are granted by the USPTO to inventors that meet the requirements set forth by congress.

You may be asking yourself, “What is a patent?” A patent is a type of intellectual property. It can be applied by individuals, businesses and organizations to protect their inventions and discoveries. Inventors must meet certain criteria in order to receive a patent from the USPTO (the United States Patent and Trademark Office).

Patents are granted by the USPTO to inventors that meet the requirements set forth by congress. The purpose behind this process is to encourage innovation by giving them exclusive rights over their creation for 20 years from the date of filing; this allows time for other people or companies interested in using similar ideas or technologies before someone else gets there first.

A patent owner has the right to exclude others from making, using, offering for sale, or selling the invention throughout the United States or importing the invention into the United States.A patent owner also has the right to prevent others from using their invention in any manner whatsoever without their consent.

A trademarked product name is not so broad as a patent; it is merely descriptive of what type of thing you’re selling (e.g., “Adidas” means athletic shoes). But even descriptive words can be patented if used as part of an invention—which makes sense! You wouldn’t want another company calling its product “Adidas Athletic Shoes” when there already exists another Adi-Das brand that does exactly those things better than anyone else out there today! So if your company wants people not only know what specific item they’re selling but also to understand how this product differs from all other similar ones on store shelves everywhere else around town then maybe go ahead with applying for some sort of protection over your little space here at home?

A utility patent is granted if one proves that an invention is novel, non-obvious and useful.

A utility patent protects the way an invention works. It does not protect any physical object or structure on which it operates like a car engine does not have built-in wheels; however, it does cover certain aspects of the process used for making that product or service available to consumers (e.g., design patents). If you want your business idea protected by IP law but don’t know how best to go about doing so then let our experts help you!

If a person applies for a patent, they must disclose all information needed to make and use the invention. This includes what materials were used, how they were made, what ingredients were used in their production, and so on. They also have to disclose any materials or processes that could change the appearance of an article (this is called “non-obviousness”).

Finally, patent applications must disclose the best mode of carrying out your idea/invention which is based on experience with similar inventions from other people who have done it before you did it.

Patent applications may be rejected if too much is disclosed to the public before a patent application is filed. This is because you may be able to use your invention for an unlimited number of purposes and/or locations, and thus would not benefit from limiting how it can be used by filing a patent application. For example, if you wanted to sell your product at Walmart but were worried that they wouldn’t want it because they already have similar products on their shelves or don’t understand why you need another type of product at all (e.g., what’s wrong with buying something off Amazon?), this could result in rejection of your non-infringement claim by Walmart because they feel like your idea wasn’t worth protecting since there are so many other companies making similar products already out there!

Some examples of patents are software, business methods, and biotechnology.

There are many examples of patents in the world today. One of the most common examples is software, which has been patented since 1982. Another type of patent that can be used for business methods is called computer-implemented ideas (CIP). This type of patent covers inventions related to computers and how they work together, such as a system for organizing information or a method for storing information on electronic media like CDs or DVDs. A third type of patent is biotechnology, which covers biological processes such as growth and reproduction in plants or animals

Patents may last up to 20 years from their filing date.

How to Patent a Product - Gerben Intellectual Property

Credits: Gerbenlaw.com, December 2022

If you do not file for a patent, it lasts for only 1 year. If you file for a patent, you can get a patent granted in as little as 1 year.

In other words:

  • The word “brand” means an inscription in wax on pewter plates that protected against pox during medieval times;
  • Coca-Cola is an international trademark used for soft drinks made by Coca-Cola Company Inc.;
  • Microsoft Windows is also known as operating system software by Microsoft Corporation;
  • Apple Inc., iMac computers, etc., all belong to the same category of trademarks but are not exactly identical because each has its own unique features that differentiate it from others.

Trademark rights may be used to prevent others from using a confusingly similar mark, but not to prevent others from making the same goods or selling the same goods or services under a clearly different mark.

The U.S. Supreme Court has held that trademarks cannot be used as a method of monopolization or securing an unfair advantage over competitors because they are merely descriptive words, phrases and symbols used by consumers in identifying products on the marketplace.

The owner of a federally registered trademark obtains the nationwide constructive notice of ownership of the trademark rights.

  • The owner of a federally registered trademark obtains the nationwide constructive notice of ownership of the trademark rights.
  • This means that once you register your mark, it will be displayed publicly on all government documents, including government websites.
  • This can be an important step in protecting your brand name from others who may try to use it without permission or pay for it.

The trademark owner enjoys a federal registration that confers on the owner other common law rights to prevent use of the mark in commerce and to enjoin infringement. The mark is registered with the USPTO, which means there will be no dispute about which party owns it should litigation arise.


20. Trademark Infringement

Trademark infringement is a legal concept in which a trademark owner believes that someone has used their registered mark in commerce without permission. Infringement of a trademark is the unauthorized use of a trademark or service mark on or in connection with goods and/or services in a manner that is likely to cause confusion, deception, or mistake about the source of the goods and/or services. A finding of infringement can be made even if only one party’s mark appears in connection with products or services which are identical to those sold by another party under different marks; there must be at least some showing that consumers will perceive those products as somehow being associated with each other because they are using the same protected symbol(s).

How to Avoid Infringement of Trademarks

Credits: Generisonline.com, December 2022

For example: if you have multiple restaurants called “Burger King,” there may be an argument over whether these restaurants infringe on Burger King’s rights if they have similar logos and menus but use different names (eg., “Burger King” instead of “McDonald’s”). If you have more than one store selling electronics online under Amazon’s name but not using any symbols related to their own brand name beyond just having their website address link back here…then perhaps Amazon might argue against this practice unless it could show that no reasonable person would think about buying something from them simply because he saw those words on his screen rather than going straight home where he might see other stores’ websites offering similar deals.”

You must first determine whether you have a valid trademark registration. If so, it is important to know what remedies are available under state law and the common law to enforce your rights in that mark.

For example, a plaintiff can seek an injunction against further infringement, monetary damages for actual losses suffered by the plaintiff due to the infringement as well as for profits earned by the defendant through its infringing activities, and/or statutory damages for willful infringement (15 U.S.C 1127), costs, and attorney’s fees if provided by statute or contract.

If you believe that someone has infringed your trademarks without your consent, it is important to take action right away before damage occurs because time is of the essence in trademark cases involving infringement claims against multiple defendants and changes over time in consumer preferences can make abuse difficult to prove after fact discovery has completed.

An experienced intellectual property attorney can review your case and determine whether or not it meets the legal criteria for trademark infringement.

If it does, then we’ll go to court to prove that the other party is infringing on your rights. The outcome of a successful lawsuit will depend on several factors:

  • What kind of damages are we claiming?
  • How much time do we need to wait before filing suit again?
  • Are there any defenses available against our claims?

It’s useful to know what trademarks are because they can help you identify and protect your own intellectual property.

A trademark may be used in several ways:

  • As part of a name (such as “Google” or “Facebook”)
  • As an adjective (e.g., “Google Chrome”)
  • To describe the product itself

The use of alphabetic letters and numerals is generally considered to be “inherently distinctive” because they can serve as trademarks.

Prior to the passage of the Lanham Act, courts had held that the shape, color, or size of a product might constitute a trademark and could therefore be protected by federal law. However, this view was challenged in 1952 when it was decided that “the shape and configuration of a product itself is not inherently distinctive unless it has acquired the secondary meaning” (Coca-Cola v. Vernon). In other words, if you don’t know what something looks like before buying it then your purchase cannot be seen as an indicator of its origin or quality (unless there’s some other reason why you would have bought it anyway).

So-called “generic” terms – those which merely describe the goods or services are not protectable as trademarks and cannot serve as trademarks. For example, if you are selling a product called “dog biscuits” and someone else sells a similar product they call “biscuit-o” then neither one can claim that their product is associated with your brand.

How to avoid genericide and loss of trademark rights - Red Points

Credits: Redpoints.com, December 2022

Similarly, if you sell shoes and someone else also sells shoes but calls them flip-flops or slippers then again no trademark infringement has taken place (but note that if these names become popular enough and start to appear on their own products then this may change).

You should be aware that any business or person that uses your trademark in a manner that is likely to cause confusion with your mark will be infringing on your exclusive right to use the registered mark.

If you want to protect yourself against infringement, it’s important to file an application for registration within one year of first using the name or symbol in commerce. This gives enough time for others who may have been infringing upon your intellectual property rights (IPR) before filing their applications so they can’t make use of their brands until after yours has been registered.

Trademark rights can also arise from the trade usage of a mark without registration. For example, if you use your own name as part of your business name or as a slogan on products, this may constitute trademark infringement if someone else uses that same phrase in connection with their own goods or services.

If a person uses another’s registered mark without permission in commerce in connection with related goods and services and consumers are likely to be confused by such use with respect to the source or sponsorship of the good or service being offered they may be liable for trademark infringement under federal law.

If a company sells a product that bears the name, symbol, design or other distinctive designation of another company’s registered trademark but does so without permission, it could be deemed an unfair competition violation (also known as “trademark infringement”).


The U.S. trademark registration process is not a quick one, but it’s definitely worth the wait. It can be both exciting and intimidating, but if you follow the steps above, you will be on your way to having your brand protected by law in no time!

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