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Brand Registry is a service that allows sellers to register their brands on Amazon. The brand registry is a way for third-party sellers to help protect their brands, as well as provide additional content and features on Amazon. By using the brand registry, sellers can also use enhanced content capabilities like Enhanced Brand Content and preview more features by contacting us.
Amazon Brand Registry is a free service that helps you protect your brand and get the most out of your listings. With Amazon Brand Registry, you can create a legally enforceable standard set of rights to use on all of your products—and then register those rights with Amazon.
This helps prevent other sellers from selling counterfeit or knockoff versions of your products in the future. It also gives you control over who can sell on Amazon using your brand name, which means customers know they’re buying authentic goods from approved sources.
Enhanced Brand Content is available to registered brands. Once you’ve signed into your brand account and claimed ownership of a set of SKUs, you’ll be able to access Enhanced Brand Content tools like product pages that contain images and descriptions from your seller account inventory in addition to content provided by Amazon (eBook, how-to video, etc.).
EBC is an opportunity for brands to have enhanced listings on Amazon that provide additional information about their products or services using images or video content. This can help shoppers feel more confident when making purchases from your store by providing them with additional information about what they’re buying such as why they should buy from you instead of someone else or how long it takes before the delivery arrives once purchased online Amazon Prime service.
Enhanced Brand Content enables customers to learn more about products before buying them on Amazon—and it helps them make informed decisions while they’re shopping on the site too! As a registered brand owner with Enhanced Brand Content enabled for one or more products in the catalog, you will be sent monthly reports detailing how many times each product has been viewed using this feature from within an order confirmation email sent at the end of each month.
One of the best ways to distinguish your brand on Amazon is through Amazon’s unique content capabilities. Getting featured in a Prime Video exclusive can help you build your brand while adding images and descriptions to product pages can help customers find the products they’re looking for. By creating reviews, answering questions, and posting ads that are more informative than those of your competitors’ ads, you’ll stand out from them and win over shoppers who rely on customer ratings and product descriptions when making buying decisions.
To create a brand registry, you’ll need to go to the “Brands” section of Seller Central. Select “Register New Brand” and follow the prompts to enter your brand name, company information, and product data. Once you’ve completed this step, your products will be added to your registered brand profile and categorized under it in your inventory management system.
Brand Gating is a special product feature used to restrict the sale of products to specific brands or sellers. It’s an effective way to prevent your competitor from selling your products, and it also helps increase product sales.
If you’ve ever used Amazon Prime, then you’ve experienced brand gating first-hand. When you’re logged into your Amazon account and buying something from the website, there’s usually a section at checkout where it asks if you have an existing account and if so, which one. This is brand-gating in action! The site ensures that only people who have a Prime account can buy things on their site using that option because they want customers like us who are willing to pay extra for fast shipping (which isn’t available with other delivery services).
We hope this blog post has given you a better understanding of what Amazon Brand Registry is and how it can help your brand stand out from the crowd. If you have any questions about registering your brand, please contact us today!
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