Amazon Brand Registry Supplemental Register


Amazon’s Supplemental Register is a trademark registration program that was established by the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO). It provides brand owners with an avenue to register their trademarks as trademarks if they are not in use, as well as protect their brands against dilution.

Amazon Brand Registry Supplemental Register

You can request the Supplemental Register by submitting a request at Amazon Brand Registry. Once you’re approved for the principal register, your brand will be eligible to be added to the supplemental register at any time during its registration term.

The benefits of being on both registers include:

  • Your brand will be eligible for more marketing opportunities such as enhanced visibility in search results and product detail pages across categories and countries of interest.
  • You’ll have the ability to use your brand name in more promotional, marketing and advertising materials.
  • Your brand will be eligible for Amazon Exclusives on certain categories, as well as special promotions.

Motives For Requesting for Amazon’s Supplemental Register

  • Amazon’s Supplemental Register is a way for brand owners to protect their brands in the United States without having to prove use of their mark.
  • Amazon’s Supplemental Register provides trademark protection for brands that are not eligible for registration on the Principal Register, including marks that are generic or descriptive with secondary meaning.
  • If your brand qualifies for the Amazon Supplemental Register, you can use the ® symbol. This will indicate to consumers that your brand is a registered trademark and help prevent other companies from using similar, confusingly similar or even identical trademarks.

How to Request the Supplemental Register?

To request the supplemental register, follow these steps:

  • Access your existing application and click on the “Request Supplemental Register” button.
  • If you do not have an existing application, you can create a new one through your Amazon seller account.
  • Once you have successfully requested to be placed on the Supplemental Register, Amazon will send you an email with instructions on how to proceed with your application.
  • The supplemental register is not a separate registry. It’s part of the Principal Register, and it expires at the same time as your registered trademark. However, while you’re on the Supplemental Register, other companies cannot copy or use your trademark in their business activities without permission from Amazon. Your trademark will be listed in a different section of Amazon’s Trademark Registry (Section B) than those which are registered on the Principal Register (Section A).

Additional Information Required to Request the Supplemental Register

You may apply for the supplemental register if your trademark is not yet being used in commerce. In other words, it must not be available for opposition or cancellation. You can only obtain this status by filing an application with the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) before your mark begins to be used commercially.

To request protection for a trademark on either register, you must submit an application along with proof that the mark has been used in commerce as well as two specimens showing how it has been used. If you are filing on behalf of someone else—for example, if you represent a company that wants to protect its brand—you will need written authorization from them before submitting your own application; failure to do so could result in penalties such as fines or imprisonment.

The USPTO Trademark Supplemental Register expands trademark protection in a way that is as effective as the Principal Register.

The USPTO Trademark Supplemental Register expands trademark protection in a way that is as effective as the Principal Register. The Supplemental Register is an alternative to the Principal Register, which confers the same rights, but without any attendant benefits.


If you are an Amazon brand owner and have any questions about the Supplemental Register, please contact us. We would be happy to help with your trademark filing needs.

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