Amazon Private Label Brand Registry
Amazon’s private label registry helps you protect your brand from counterfeit sellers. The program is free to join and includes a number of benefits, including the ability to register your product packaging designs with Amazon. The registry is an additional layer of protection for your brand, and it can reduce the risk of unauthorized sellers selling counterfeit products. By registering your private label brand with Amazon, you’ll be able to:
- Protect your intellectual property rights.
- Register your product packaging designs.
- Enter the registry through Amazon’s website.
- Verify that your brand has not been registered by another seller.
- Manage your product listings and inventory levels on Amazon’s marketplace.
What is Amazon Private Label Brand Registry?
Amazon Private Label Brand Registry is a free program available to brands who want to protect their intellectual property. Once you’re approved for the program and place your registered trademark into it, Amazon will review any product listings on its website that are selling products similar to yours. If they find counterfeit sellers, they’ll remove them from sale and prevent them from re-listing those products again in the future.
This is an excellent way to protect your brand and ensure that you don’t lose sales to counterfeit products.
Benefits of Amazon Private Label Brand Registry
The benefits of Amazon Private Label Brand Registry include:
- Protection against counterfeit sellers. When you register your brand, Amazon will not allow anyone else to sell your products unless they are an authorized seller. This prevents third-party sellers from listing and selling your product on their own websites, which can lead to confusion among customers who may believe that the products being sold by these unauthorized sellers are authentic.
- Ability to restrict third-party sellers. In addition to preventing unauthorized sellers from selling your products on their own websites, Amazon will also use its anti-counterfeit software called Product Ads Transparency Suite (PATS) when those unauthorized sellers start advertising through ads placed on Google or other search engines.
- Control over your brand image and trademark rights in order for you to ensure that any brands or trademarks associated with this registration are used correctly by third parties while they list items using Amazon’s platform. This includes controlling listings through policies such as creating product limits and recording every time a listing changes so it’s easier for you track all changes made within a single day without having too much information overload at once.
- Control over your product listings. Amazon allows you to control how your product is listed without having to go through the entire process of creating a new listing every time. You can also choose which images are used in the listing, edit product descriptions and prices, and manage inventory levels with Amazon’s built-in tools.
How To Apply For a Brand Registry?
- Go to Amazon Seller Central and select “Manage Brands”
- Select the option for Brand Registry
- Complete the application form and submit your application
Amazon will review your application and either approve it or ask you to make changes. Once approved, you can activate your brand registry.
Amazon’s private label registry is a great tool for protecting your brand from counterfeit sellers. It also helps you avoid legal issues and protect yourself from lawsuits if someone sues you because they think you’re selling fake products.