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If you’re thinking if you can trademark a basic word, the answer to this question is yes. However, you should be aware that there are many other factors that go into deciding whether or not a trademark is valid.
Basic terms, such as “the” and “and,” are not eligible for trademark protection. The reason is that they are generic and descriptive and therefore do not function as a source identifier. However, if you were to use these words in a series of letters or numbers, such as “ABC123,” you could protect the mark because it would be viewed as arbitrary or fanciful.
Basic terms can also be ineligible for protection if they become too common in commerce. This concept is known as “genericism” or “cultural genericism.” For example, when you buy aspirin at your local drug store do you care whether it’s Bayer Aspirin or Advil? Probably not; both brands work just fine for most people. When something becomes generic—like Band-Aids—the trademark owner loses its ability to control how consumers see its product.
A generic trademark is a term that is used to describe a type of product or service, rather than a brand name. For example, “toothpaste” is a generic term for toothpaste and does not identify the manufacturer of the product. As such, it cannot be protected by trademark law because it does not distinguish one brand from another.
Generic terms are not eligible for trademark protection because they do not function as brands; instead, they simply describe what kind of product or service an entity offers.
Descriptive trademarks are not protectable because they are too generic. For example, if you were to name your business “Word Processor,” it would be considered a descriptive trademark because the word “word” is a broad term that is widely used to describe what your product does (i.e., process words). Consequently, someone else could also use the word “word” as part of their business name and confuse consumers into thinking that they are buying from you when they purchase from them instead.
There are many examples of descriptive trademarks that have been registered as trademarks. Some examples include Apple Computers Inc., Google Inc., and Facebook Inc.
A basic Word can also be a Generic Trademark, which means that it has become so widely used to describe a particular good or service that it no longer functions as a source identifier, i.e., it means “the product type.” For example, if you tell someone that you bought an Apple computer and they ask what brand of computer it was, then “Apple” becomes generic because people will think of all computers made by Apple instead of just one model in particular such as MacBook Pro 2018 edition.
In other words: A Basic Word may be both Descriptive AND Generic!
In conclusion, a word is considered to be generic if it has been used so frequently in the marketplace that it has become synonymous with the product or service. For example, a trademark owner cannot prevent others from using the term “Apple” when referring to apples (or computers made by Apple). However, if an apple company starts using apple as its name for marketing purposes (e.g., “Smith’s Apples”), then another company may be able to argue that consumers will be confused into thinking they offer similar products or services.
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