How to Do Brand Registry on Amazon?


Brand owners are identified by Amazon through a program known as the Brand Registry. It helps brand owners in safeguarding their Amazon product content and intellectual property.

Brand Registry appears to have been developed to help stop the flow of counterfeit goods and IP infringement problems on the website. Additionally, it shifts some of the responsibility for enforcing infractions from Amazon to brand owners.

Signing up for Amazon brand registry is a great way to protect your brand and ensure that you only sell authentic products. The process can be a little confusing, but this guide will walk you through everything you need to know about registering your products on Amazon.

Create an Amazon Seller Account

An Amazon seller account is a business profile that allows sellers to manage their products and inventory on the platform. Amazon does not charge a monthly fee for creating an Amazon seller account, but it does require you to have your own UGC (Unique Global Identifier) number. If you don’t have one, this can be obtained from your state government or local government offices.

After registering for an Amazon Seller Central account, you will need to verify it before using it for selling products on the platform. This step involves providing certain information about yourself and completing other details related to your identity as well as financial information such as bank statements and tax returns that verify who owns the business or company in question.

Provide your Brand Information

To register your brand, you’ll need to provide the following details:

  • Brand name
  • Logo image (optional)
  • Color palette
  • Company address and phone number
  • Company email address (to receive notifications from Amazon)
  • You can also include a website URL if you have one available for customers to visit directly from Amazon.
  • Provide your Marketplace Information; To complete this step, you’ll need to provide the following details: Your Amazon sales channel name (if you have one) Where your products are located within your account (for example, if they’re in FBA or not) The category(s) that best describe the type of products you sell.

Provide Product Details

  • Provide product name, SKU, image and description.
  • Product weight, dimensions and color: Specify the weight and dimensions of your product in detail so that Amazon can match it with the correct category or subcategory for better visibility on its platform. And also add information about the color of your product because if you don’t specify it then Amazon will automatically assign a default color option to your product which may not be ideal in some cases.
  • UPC or GTIN: If you have an integrated barcode scanner (IBRS), then using this feature allows you to easily scan any barcode into our system when creating new products or updating existing ones on Amazon Seller Central account dashboard itself without having to download anything else separately beforehand. If you’re not using an integrated barcode scanner, then you can use the UPC or GTIN to enter your product’s unique identifier. This is a 13-digit number that uniquely identifies each item in the database of any given retailer and is usually found on its packaging.

Submit Your Application

After you’ve completed your application and uploaded all of the required documents, you should submit your application. The application process varies based on which country is representing your brand but in general consists of a few simple steps:

  • Go to
  • Sign in with your Amazon account or create one if necessary
  • Select a type of application (trademark or certification) and complete the online form

Wait For Approval

When your application is approved, you will receive an email from Amazon. You can also check the status of your application by visiting the Amazon Brand Registry page. If you do not get an approval email in 7-10 days, contact Amazon to see if there was a problem with your application.

Get Approval in 7-10 Days

The brand registry process is relatively straightforward, but it can take time to complete. Amazon requires you to provide proof that you are the owner of the trademark and have authorization from the company to apply for brand registry. It also requires information about where your products will be sold, including details like product line extension or changes in packaging.

After submitting an application, Amazon generally takes seven to ten days before approving or denying it. If approved, however, you’ll receive a notification email stating that your account has been upgraded and will be able to apply for product categories directly within Seller Central instead of using third party applications.


It’s easy to create a brand registry on Amazon. You just need to follow these simple steps. The process can take up to 10 days, so you may have to wait before your application is approved by Amazon. If you’re successful in getting your brand registered on Amazon, it’ll be easier for customers who are looking for products with specific brands or labels.

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