How to form a C-corporation for Furniture


When starting a business, you need to consider how that business will be structured. There are many ways to form an entity and many different types of entities are available. The type of structure you choose for your business will depend on a number of factors including your assets, the type of product or service you want to provide and who owns it, and whether or not it would benefit from limited liability protection. In this article, we’ll discuss some factors you should consider when deciding whether or not forming a corporation is right for your business.

Create your corporation by filing articles of incorporation with the secretary of state

  • Go to the secretary of state’s website and click “File a Fictitious Name Statement” in the upper right-hand corner.
  • Follow the instructions on the site to fill out your corporation’s information, including its name, address, and registered agent. You’ll also need to provide details about each officer and director, along with their addresses.
  • Click “Purchase Now” when you’re finished filling out this form so that you can pay for your filing fee online or by mail. If paying by mail, use a certified check or money order only—no cash will be accepted!
  • Once your filing has been processed by the secretary of state, they’ll send you an email containing all of this information as well as links where you can download copies of any documents they’ve received from other businesses associated with yours.

Appoint a registered agent

This is the person or business that will be authorized to accept legal documents on behalf of your corporation. The registered agent should be someone within the state where your company was formed, as well as being able to provide their address so that it’s valid according to state law.

Appoint officers and directors, and amend your articles of incorporation as needed

  • Your board of directors is the group of people that governs your corporation, so you’ll need to appoint a board before you can issue shares or sell stock in your company. As the owner of a C-corporation, you’re also an officer—but don’t worry, this doesn’t mean that you have to give up all your free time! You can pass along some of these responsibilities by appointing officers who will help run day-to-day operations and report directly to you as the CEO.
  • Amend your articles of incorporation if necessary. Your articles of incorporation should contain information about how many shares are authorized by each class (i.e., common or preferred), any special voting rights attached to those classes, and any other information relevant specifically to your business structure like restrictions on transferability or redemption rights (i.e., when shareholders may buy back their stock). If there’s anything else unique about how this entity operates compared with other types of companies—like its share structure or management structure—you should include those details here as well; it’ll make running things easier for everyone involved later on down the road!

Determine the value of your furniture inventory for tax purposes

This is a point that many small business owners miss. Your furniture is a depreciable asset, meaning it loses value over time and must be tracked for tax purposes. For example, if you buy a dining room table for $3,000 and the useful life of that table is ten years (based on its nature), you can deduct $300 from your income each year until the table has no value remaining at the end of those ten years. This means that if your furniture inventory has an average cost of $1 million and a useful life expectancy of five years, every year you’re going to receive a deduction against your gross sales amounting to 5% ($50k).

Consult with a lawyer or accountant to determine if you should incorporate or just set up as an LLC

The advantages of each type of business entity are outlined below:

  • C Corporation: The most common type of corporation, it offers the highest degree of personal liability protection. These corporations require shareholders to pay federal income taxes on profits from their stock holdings at the corporate tax rate and then pass along any remaining profits via dividends.
  • S corporation: An alternative for small businesses that don’t want to be subject to double taxation. Grants limited personal liability protection for shareholders but does not offer complete freedom from double taxation. Due to these benefits, many entrepreneurs choose this option when first starting out; however, once their businesses grow beyond 100 shareholders they must either convert into another type of entity or continue paying a lower rate on their income than what’s charged by the IRS.* Limited liability company (LLC): Owners enjoy limited personal liability while maintaining flexibility over how they distribute income among themselves.* Limited partnership: Partnerships need two types—general partners who manage day-to-day operations and limited partners who contribute capital—but only one kind may sell shares publicly without registering with securities regulators.


We hope that this guide has helped you understand how to form a C-corporation for furniture. If there is anything else we can do, please don’t hesitate to contact us!

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