How to form a C-corporation for Infrastructure


A C corporation is a business entity that has owners, or shareholders, and is required to pay corporate income tax on its profits. In exchange for this additional layer of taxation, however, the owners of a C corporation enjoy limited liability protection from their personal assets in case their business fails or is sued. It can be formed by anyone with an idea for a new business and access to some basic legal documents. In fact, many businesses start out as sole proprietorships or partnerships and later convert into a C corporation due to legal requirements or just personal preference!

A C Corporation has owners, or shareholders, and is required to pay corporate income tax on its profits.

C Corps are separate legal entities from their owners and have their own tax ID numbers. If a business licenses its intellectual property to a C Corp, the license will be between the two companies—not between the owner(s) of the business and their personal assets. All of this makes it very easy for large investors to put money into your company without worrying about personal liability issues or tax implications.

 File the articles of incorporation

  • To form a C corp, the business owners need to complete articles of incorporation and submit them to the state.
  • Then they’ll file IRS Form 2553 with the IRS.
  • Finally, they’ll use that form to choose their tax status

The articles of incorporation are usually filed with the Secretary of State, though in some states they are filed with another state agency.

  • In California, Colorado, and New York, you file articles of incorporation directly with these states’ Corporations Division (instead of filing them at your Secretary of State’s office).
  • Other states may have a similar division that processes filings for corporations. This includes:
  • Arizona (Arizona Corporation Commission)
  • Illinois (Department of Business Services)
  • Some states require that corporations file other documents at their Secretary of State’s office even if they’re not partaking in “corporate governance” activities like issuing stock or paying dividends: for example, Delaware requires certain annual reports to be filed by all corporations regardless if they conduct any business!

Businesses need to create bylaws, pick an initial board of directors, hold an initial board meeting, issue stock shares and get an EIN

Now that you have formed your C-corporation, the next step is to create bylaws. These are the rules that govern how the business will be run and include things like meeting times, voting procedures, and other important information a company needs to function properly.

Next comes choosing an initial board of directors. This is a group of people who can oversee where the company should go next and what changes need to be made in order for it to grow successfully. They also make sure that everything within their organization is legal (for example issuing stock shares).

Finally, issuing stock shares means giving ownership of your new corporation to its founders; this ensures that no one else can claim control over it without your permission first!

Businesses may also want to prepare an operating agreement for their business prior to starting operations

An operating agreement is a contract between the owners of a business that defines how their company will be run.

An operating agreement may include provisions for things like:

  • Where and how to hold meetings;
  • The number of directors or managers;
  • Voting rights;
  • How profits are distributed.

The process for forming a C corporation is fairly straightforward if you know what information you need

You can find the information you need online, or get help from a lawyer or company that specializes in forming businesses.

The first thing to do is register your business name with your state’s secretary of state office. The second step is to file your Articles of Incorporation with that same office and pay the required filing fee (which varies by state). The third step is to submit an application for federal tax-exempt status with the IRS, which requires filling out Form 2553 and submitting it along with proof that no one else has used the same name as yours recently, such as proof from your state’s secretary of the state office that they’ve already registered a similar name with them.


C corporations are a great option for Infrastructure businesses. They give you the flexibility and protection to do what you want, when you want without worrying about getting sued. But they also come with their own limitations – namely that only shareholders can have limited liability but not employees or contractors. So if this is something that concerns you as an entrepreneur then consider using an LLC instead!

We hope that this guide has answered all of your questions about how to form a C corporation. If you have any additional questions, please contact us. We are happy to help!

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