How to form a C-corporation for Paper Goods


Paper goods are a booming industry. In fact, according to the U.S. Census Bureau, paper and allied products were worth $174 billion in 2017 alone. That’s why it makes sense for you to start your own paper goods business! However, since you’re going into business for yourself, it’s important that you know the ins and outs of what it takes to form a C-corporation for paper goods so that you can make sure everything is done correctly from day one—and throughout your entire business career.

Decide on the following

  • What kind of business do you want to start? The exact nature of your company depends on what kind of paper goods it will produce–and how much capital you have available. A small hobbyist operation might be enough for personal use, while a large-scale enterprise might require investors and an entire team of employees.
  • How many shares of stock should be issued? You can issue as few or as many shares as necessary to secure investment capital for your startup company. These shares may represent different percentages of ownership depending on their price per share and how much money each investor wants in return for their investment.
  • What is your corporate name going to be? You may wish to call yourself “Paper Products Incorporated” or some other similar professional-sounding name if this is something that appeals more than simply using your own name. Keep in mind that this choice must also include what state the corporation will incorporate under because there’s only one state where all corporations can legally incorporate: Delaware!

The Corporate Name

The name of your corporation must be distinguishable from other names. It can’t share a name with another corporation or LLC in the same state, or it can’t be confusing or misleading to customers.

You will also need to make sure that your corporate name does not:

  • Use any reserved words such as “bank,” “insurance,” etc.
  • Include some words that would make sense for an individual but don’t when used with the word “corporation”.
  • Be identical to an existing business name.

The Nature of the Business

There are five types of businesses that can be formed as a C-corporation:

  • A general partnership is one or more people who jointly own and manage an enterprise for profit and share in its profits, losses, and liabilities.
  • A corporation sole is a religious organization or other non-profit entity that has only one owner.
  • An association with more than 15 members, which includes corporations that have a central governing body but are not incorporated under state laws.
  • An estate consisting solely of real property that isn’t subject to any debts or obligations beyond those required by state law.
  • A trust consisting solely of real property where no beneficiary has any right to receive income or principal from it until after death.

The Number of Shares of Stock

When you form a corporation, one of the first things that you must do is to decide how many shares of stock will be available and at what price. You also need to decide on the par value of each share.

The number of shares issued should equal the amount of money needed for investment in your business venture. If this is not enough money, consider raising additional funds by issuing more stock or increasing the par value per share.

File Articles of Incorporation with your Secretary of State

When you file your articles of incorporation, you need to include the name of your corporation and all of its officers. You’ll also have to specify a registered agent who can receive legal papers on behalf of the corporation if necessary. Your articles should include information about how the stock will be issued and transferred, as well as other details about how you’d like things organized for tax purposes and internal control. Most states require that corporations provide an address where they’re able to receive mail as part of their paperwork; this may seem unnecessary now, but it’ll come in handy later when it’s time to file taxes or pay fees that aren’t due at your business location.

Once filed with the Secretary of State, all businesses must pay an initial fee before they can begin doing business under their chosen name. In some states, this fee is relatively low—$50 or less—but in others, it can cost hundreds or even thousands per year depending on how many different types of businesses are incorporated there. The good news is that most states offer standard forms for filing with them; once completed correctly these will automatically generate every form required for registering with each state agency needed during setup!

Hold an Organizational Meeting

Before you can hold an organizational meeting, you need to be sure that all the necessary people are there. This includes anyone who will be recorded as a director, officer, or shareholder in your corporation, as well as any other individuals who want to be involved with the organization. The purpose of this meeting is to discuss and decide upon important issues like how much money should be invested into starting the company, what type of business model you’re going for, and whether or not it’s legal for your corporation to provide services outside of its immediate geographical region.

Establish corporate by-laws

Corporate bylaws are internal rules governing how a company operates. They help establish governance structures and processes within the organization, such as who can vote on certain matters and how often shareholder meetings will be held. As with many corporate documents, these are not filed with any government agency; however, they should be kept in corporate books for reference purposes at all times during your business’ lifespan so that everyone involved with its management knows what their responsibilities are at any given time—and what restrictions apply when these responsibilities need to be taken on by someone else later down line due to unforeseen circumstances.


The process of forming a C-corporation is fairly straightforward and can be done by anyone. It will take some time to get everything set up, but once you have all the required documents, it should only take a few hours to complete the process in most states. In order to make sure that your business is successful, however, it is important that you do your research before choosing which type of corporation best fits your needs as well as understand what requirements may apply depending on where they live or operate within USA.

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