How to form a C-corporation for Printing


When you start a business, it’s important to choose the right type of business entity. The most common types of businesses are sole proprietorships, partnerships, and corporations. Each has its own tax structure, employment rules, and liability protections. If your company looks like it will have about 50 employees or less, then a C corporation may be a good choice for you. This article explains how to form a C corporation for printing in just six steps:

Charter the corporation in your state

You’ve decided you want to form a corporation, and that’s great! Now it’s time to get down to business and charter the corporation in your state. A charter is an official document that proves your new company’s existence. In most states, forming a corporation is relatively straightforward—the exact process varies based on where you live, but generally involves filling out some paperwork with your secretary of state (or equivalent) and paying an initial fee.

Once your business has been chartered in the appropriate state, it becomes an entity separate from its owners—in other words, it becomes a legal person under the law with rights and responsibilities all its own. This separation makes it easier for businesses to enter into deals on their own behalf without having to rely on their owners’ personal credit histories or other available assets.

File articles of Incorporation

This document creates your business structure and details its mission, objectives, and responsibilities. Once you have filed these papers with the state, you will have created a legal entity as well as established yourself as its owner/president/CEO/etc. The benefits of forming this type of business are numerous:

  • It protects your personal assets from lawsuits. If someone sues your company for damages or injury caused by its products or services, they cannot go after your personal bank account or other assets.
  • It separates ownership from management duties so that you don’t have sole responsibility for decisions made within your company’s operations; this helps distribute responsibility among multiple people within management roles like the vice president or chief financial officer (CFO). It also allows for other individuals like investors who may own shares in exchange for funding needed for start-up costs associated with opening a new venture.”

Appoint officers and directors

Officers are the people your corporation will rely on to help it run smoothly. Directors are responsible for overseeing the overall direction of the business. Each officer or director must have a title, which needs to be stated in your bylaws (which we’ll discuss later). For now, let’s say you want to be CEO and president, while your sister washes T-shirts at the local Laundromat and has agreed to help out with customer service as a secretary. You might also have an accountant who keeps track of your finances or an attorney who handles legal matters—this person can serve as treasurer if you like.

Appoint a Registered Agent

Choose a registered agent in each state where you do business (if required). In many cases, states won’t require you to have an office address or registered agent until after you’ve hired employees; however, it’s always best practice for businesses to ensure they comply with any laws requiring this information early on so they don’t end up paying penalties down the road when their taxes come due!

Obtain a federal EIN

The EIN is used by the IRS to identify your business, and it’s required when filing taxes or opening bank accounts. Before you apply for an EIN, make sure that the name of your company does not already exist as either a trading name or DBA in your state. If so, try using another name when filling out Form SS-4 with your local office of state revenue or secretary of state’s office; this will ensure that there are no conflicts between what appears on paper and what actually exists in reality!

Once you have been assigned an EIN make sure that it goes everywhere! It should appear alongside any contracts signed off by other businesses operating within America’s borders; if they do not recognize themselves as being affiliated with yours then they may decide not to work with them out of fear they could be held liable when things go wrong due any miscommunication between parties involved.”

Plan for fringe benefits and salary tax issues

It’s important to consider the tax implications of your company’s fringe benefits and salary. For example, if you decide to offer free insurance or a Section 125 plan (a flexible spending account), you will have to pay Social Security and Medicare taxes on that amount. If you choose not to offer these benefits, then there is no payroll tax liability.

The IRS requires that all employees be given written notice when they are hired about the types of fringe benefits offered by the business. The notice must include an explanation of how each type works, where applicable; examples would include life insurance policies and health reimbursement arrangements that allow employees to use their own money for medical expenses with reimbursement later from their employer’s plan.


The takeaway is that forming a C-corporation is an excellent way to protect your business, maximize tax deductions, and shield yourself from personal liability. If you’re looking for the best possible protection and tax advantages, forming a corporation may be right for you.


This is a brief overview of how to form a C-corporation for printing. Keep in mind that this is not a complete guide, and you should consult with an accountant or other tax expert before making any major decisions about your business. For more information on this topic, see our full guides on starting your own business and incorporating as a C-Corp.

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