How to form a C-corporation for Rice


As a business owner, you’ll need to decide which type of corporation is right for you and your company. A C corporation is one of the many forms of business entities and this one is the most prominent and popular. The owners of it are known as shareholders, who own shares in their company that represent an interest in its profits and assets. When corporations generate profits, they must pay income tax on those earnings at both the corporate level as well as on an individual level for shareholders who receive dividends from their holdings within the enterprise itself.

A C corporation is the most prominent and popular

A C corporation is one of the many forms of business entities and this one is the most prominent and popular. As a separate legal entity, it is taxed separately from its owners. This form allows for greater control over how your business is run, but also means you are responsible for paying taxes on all profits.

A C corporation has a life of its own; it can be managed by board of directors or by shareholders who elect officers to run the company on their behalf.

The owners shareholders

A C corporation is owned by shareholders, who are also known as stockholders or members. Shareholders can be individuals, corporations or other types of businesses.

Paperwork requirements for C corporations

C corporations demand some critical paperwork, since they are more complex in nature. As such, a C corporation will have to file an annual tax return with the IRS. When you form a C corporation, you will be responsible for paying corporate taxes at the appropriate rate and filing annual reports with your state’s Secretary of State office.

They also have to hold annual shareholder meetings where items like electing directors, adopting bylaws and approving financial statements can be considered by shareholders.

Hold an annual shareholder meeting

You must give your shareholders proper notice of the annual shareholder meeting. The notice should include information on where and when the meeting will be held, as well as a summary of any proposals that shareholders can vote on at the meeting. Shareholders have a right to vote on matters brought up at the annual meeting and have an opportunity to participate in discussions about these matters at such meetings.

You may also wish to hold an annual meeting for your company’s shareholders by mail or videoconference if some of your shareholders are not nearby or are otherwise unable to attend an in-person annual meeting.

Corporate tax rates differ from personal tax rates

The IRS defines taxable income as gross revenue minus expenses and deductions. In other words, taxable income is the amount of money you earn after you subtract all of your expenses from your revenue. Gross revenue, on the other hand, is simply how much money you made without subtracting any expenses or deductions from it first.

Elected board of directors

As in the case of any other corporation, a board of directors must be elected from the group of shareholders who oversee and run the company. The board usually consists of a small number of people, often 3 to 9. Its primary function is to make important decisions on behalf of the business, including hiring and firing its CEO.

The board members are chosen by shareholders according to their qualifications for the job. They can also serve as officers or employees in their own right.

Taxed profits by C-corporation

The profits earned by a C corporation are taxed both on an individual level for shareholders who receive dividends as well as on a corporate level for income generated by the company itself. This means that corporations must pay taxes, which can be quite high depending on how much you earn. Additionally, shareholders must pay taxes on any dividends they receive from the company. The double taxation of dividends is considered one of the biggest drawbacks to being an S corporation or C corporation.

C-corporation has significant financial risks

The creation of a C corporation involves careful consideration and should be taken seriously by all involved parties, since it can include significant financial risks. A company that elects to become a C corporation must pay close attention to its corporate structure when deciding how to organize itself. The type of business you choose will affect taxes, liability for debts, and other factors that impact your bottom line.


The formation of a C-corporation has shown to the people as a very daunting task. However, it isn’t! The process comes with a number of significant considerations but Trademark Avenue has reduced the efforts of its clients to a greater extent. Although, the formation of a C corporation should and must be done in a cautious manner by all involved parties, since it comes with a heavy probability of  financial threats.

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