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The state of Nebraska is home to more than 1.9 million people, making it the 27th most populous in the country. Its largest city, Omaha, has a population of around 408,000 and boasts an economy that’s driven by manufacturing, finance and insurance. Whether you’re looking to start a new business or move one into Nebraska, there are certain steps you’ll need to take first — starting with forming your company.
When you form a business in Nebraska, you have to decide on which type of entity it will be. There are several types to choose from:
A registered agent is a person or business that agrees to be responsible for receiving official documents on behalf of an entity. This includes things like tax notices, court papers and important legal notices.
You can find a registered agent through the Secretary of State’s office by searching their database. You will need to provide your company name, address and more information about its intended activities in Nebraska before they will share their list of registered agents with you.
Registered agents typically charge between $100 and $200 per year for this service but some may have discounts available if you pay in advance for multiple years at once (which might be worth considering if there’s any chance your company could eventually outgrow its current structure).
As an LLC, you need to register your business with the state. You can do this by filing this form, [which is available here](
Your EIN is a unique number that identifies your business when it files taxes and applies for certain licenses. In order to get an EIN, you will need to fill out Form SS-4. This form is available on the IRS website and in most post offices across the country. Once you have filed this form and received your EIN, you can use it for many things related to your business. For example:
Whether you plan to accept payments online or in person, make sure your company has a bank account. You can open an account with any local bank or credit union. It’s important that this account be used only for business purposes and not personal expenses; otherwise, it could jeopardize your tax status as an S corporation or LLC.
Once you have the necessary accounts set up, you’ll need a debit card and checks so that customers can pay electronically or by mail on paper. Make sure any checks are written from the correct account so you don’t accidentally overdraw funds!
When accepting payment online, it’s also important to track expenses carefully—especially if they’re going towards office essentials such as supplies and equipment.
If you’re establishing a business in a city that requires businesses to register with the city, you’ll need to follow their procedure for registering. This is often done through the county clerk or a commercial database like BizFilings.
If your business doesn’t need to register with the city, skip this step!
When you’re ready to get your business started in Nebraska, use our step-by-step guides to help make the process easier. We hope this article has given you a better idea of what it takes to form a company in Nebraska. If you have any questions or need more information on how to create your own LLC or corporation, please contact us today!
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