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The process of forming an LLC in New Mexico is pretty straightforward. To get started, you’ll need to choose a name for your business and verify that it’s available. Then, you’ll create an operating agreement, obtain an EIN and file articles of organization with the state Secretary of State. You’ll also need to obtain a business license and permit before you can officially open your doors for business. Read on to learn more about each step in this process — and how much it’ll cost (nothing).
Once you’ve decided to form an LLC, the next step is to choose a name. A good name will:
Before you can form your LLC in New Mexico, you need to verify that the name you choose is available by contacting the New Mexico Secretary of State. The name must be distinguishable from any other name on file with the Secretary of State.
If there is no record of a company or LLC in New Mexico that uses your proposed business name, then it’s available for use as an assumed corporate name. If more than one corporation or limited liability company exists with this same name, however, you may have trouble resolving this issue without being able to file suit against your competitors in court.
An operating agreement is a document that outlines the rules and regulations of your LLC. It’s not required, but it’s highly recommended because it helps protect you from legal liability in case your LLC ever gets sued. Your operating agreement should include:
Obtain an employer identification number, or EIN.
An EIN is a unique nine-digit number that identifies businesses for tax purposes. This number is required to open a bank account, set up a business checking account and file taxes as well as other legal documents. You can apply for your EIN online at the IRS website; it will take around five minutes to complete the application process.
The Secretary of State is the administrative office responsible for registering your LLC and keeping its records. You can file articles of organization at any time after you’ve formed your company, but there are a few requirements:
As a limited liability company (LLC) owner, you have a choice between being taxed as a corporation or partnership. The taxation of your LLC depends on how you choose to be taxed:
You may need to obtain a business license and permit depending on the type of business you are starting. If you are opening a retail or wholesale business in New Mexico, you will need to obtain a state of New Mexico Business Tax License with the Secretary of State’s Office.
If you are opening a service business in New Mexico, such as freelance consulting or accounting services, then contact your county clerk office for information on obtaining your required permits and licenses.
New Mexico is a great place to start a business. In fact, there are many opportunities for entrepreneurs who want to start businesses in New Mexico.
New Mexico is an especially good state for entrepreneurs because:
If you’re ready to set up your new LLC, these steps are the place to start. You can also visit our website for more information on forming an LLC and other business structures.
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