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You’ve been thinking about launching that new business, and you know you want to incorporate it, but it’s not clear whether you should go with a C corporation or an S corporation. While both business types are treated similarly by the IRS, there are some differences between them—and those differences may affect your tax liability. One of the main differences between the two is how each type handles payroll taxes. If you have employees, this could be an important consideration for your decision-making process. In this article, we’ll explore how to form an S corp from start to finish. We’ll cover what it takes to do so legally and what factors can influence your choice between these two types of corporations.
You’ll fill out a form and pay a filing fee. The filing fee varies from state to state; it usually takes about 30 days for the process to be complete.
An S-corporation is a type of corporation that receives special tax treatment. In most states, it’s easier to form an S-corporation than it is to form a traditional C corporation or an LLC.
To form an S-corporation, you need to file Form 2553 with the IRS and your state Department of Revenue. You’ll also have to pay federal and state filing fees. Once you’ve filed this paperwork, your business will be officially designated as an S-corporation by both the IRS and your state government.
As part of forming your new business entity as an S-Corp, you’ll need to handle several important tax matters:
The first step in forming an S corporation is to choose a name for it. You’ll need to choose something that doesn’t sound like it’s trying to be anything else (like an LLC), and you’ll also want your name to be catchy enough so people remember it later on. It’s usually best not to use “furniture” in the name since this can cause confusion with customers who will think furniture is what you sell exclusively, instead of just one category of products you offer alongside others like clothing or electronics.
After choosing a name for your corporation, go online and find out how much starting capital it takes before filing with the state government where you live (this varies by location). Once this information has been obtained, file with them by filling out paperwork that explains why they should allow this business formation within their borders.
We hope this post has helped you understand the basics of how to form an S corporation. If you’re considering becoming an S corporation, it’s important to understand the process so that you know what you need to do next and what kind of tax implications there may be. If you have questions about forming an S corp or would like help setting up one for yourself, contact us today!
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