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If you want to form a paper goods company and take advantage of the tax savings that come with an S corporation, then you need to know how it works. The S-corporation is a type of business entity that allows for pass-through taxation, which means that it doesn’t pay taxes on its earnings but instead passes them through to its owners in the form of dividends. You can also save money by forming your company as an S-corp if you are able to qualify for such status.
The tax burden is passed on to the shareholders, who then pay individual taxes on their personal returns. When you earn income through an S corporation, you’re taxed as if you were self-employed—the profits are attributed to your individual return and subject to self-employment tax.
The S-corporation is a type of corporation in which the shareholders own the business, and the business itself pays no corporate income tax. Instead, it passes on its profits or losses to its shareholders according to their ownership interest.
The main benefit of an S-corporation is that it offers pass-through tax treatment: If the corporation makes a profit, that profit is passed onto you as a shareholder who receives a distribution; if the corporation incurs a loss, so do you as one who receives less than they were paid out by way of distributions during that year.
The S corporation formation process will differ slightly from state to state. If you want to start an S corporation, the best way to find out what you need to do is talk to your attorney or accountant. The process is not always the same even within a single state and it will be different depending on whether you’re forming an LLC or corporation.
There are several requirements that must be met before you can form an S corporation.
The following is a list of requirements that must be met:
The S corporation tax rate is 20%, compared to 35% for regular corporations and 39.6% for C corporations. However, that’s not the only reason why forming your paper goods company as an S-corporation is beneficial:
While forming an S corporation may seem like a difficult process, it’s actually pretty straightforward. Once you know what you need to do and have all of your paperwork in order, the rest is just a matter of filing forms with the state and getting approval from IRS.
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