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Decide on an S-corporation name that is legally available in your area. Locate the business service section of your local telephone directory under “Incorporating Services.” Include the words “Rubber” and “Engineers” in your company name so that potential customers can readily identify what type of business you are in.
Go to your state government’s website for more information about incorporating as an S-corporation. Download the necessary forms. Complete the forms with the help of an attorney who specializes in corporate law for small businesses, if necessary.
Locate the business service section of your local telephone directory under “Incorporating Services.” Include the words “Rubber” and “Engineers” in your company name so that potential customers can readily identify what type of business you are in.
Get a personalized website for your company and make sure it is easy for people to find it on the Internet by using search engines such as Google or Yahoo!
This will alert everyone that you’ve formed an S-corporation, and it’s especially necessary if you plan to do business under another name than the one listed on your formation documents.
The process for placing an ad is not complicated but does involve some time and commitment. You’ll need a copy of both articles of incorporation as well as any other certification documents from state or county offices; then go to your local newspaper office with these items and ask them how much it would cost to publish a DBA notice for three weeks’ worth of Sundays, Mondays through Saturdays. The publisher will give you some blank forms to fill out with details like the business name and address, contact information such as phone number or email address (if applicable), type of company (partnership vs corporation), etc.; once these are filled out correctly they’ll give them back so that they can be reviewed by other departments within their organization before printing goes forward on Monday morning following receipt by Friday prior at 4:30 PM local time zone.”
Download the necessary forms. Complete the forms with the help of an attorney who specializes in corporate law for small businesses, if necessary.
You can fill out these forms by hand or use a computer; it depends on your comfort level and how much time you have available. Once you have filled out all of the required fields and signed them, your new corporation will be ready to start operating!
Ask to receive a copy of your filed S-corporation form or request a Certificate of Incorporation from the office when you file. You may have to pay a fee to file this paperwork and receive this certificate, which will serve as proof of incorporation as an S-corporation later when you apply for a federal Tax ID number (EIN).
This step is important because it will serve as legal proof that your business is an S-corporation for tax purposes, not just on paper but in practice. Fiscal year 2011 figures from the U.S Census Bureau show that nearly one million businesses were formed in 2010 alone, making it unlikely that every entrepreneur has kept their original Certificate Of Incorporation once they’ve filed it with their state’s Secretary Of State office; however, keeping copies on hand will ensure that any future disputes over corporate status can be resolved easily by simply producing these records at any time during the life cycle of the S corporation.
Bylaws are the rules that govern how your company operates, and they should be written in plain language so anyone can understand what’s expected from them when they’re on the job. They also help protect employees from liability if an employee accidentally causes harm to someone or their property while working at the company.
Forming an S-corporation is a relatively simple process that can be completed by anyone who has the necessary time and patience. The most important thing to remember is that you must file the proper paperwork with the state’s Secretary of State office before they will recognize your new corporation as a legal entity. You should also get advice from an attorney specializing in corporate law for small businesses before proceeding with this process.
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