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In the telecommunications industry, you need to protect your business from liability and maximize your profits. One way to do this is by forming an S-corporation and operating as a limited liability company LLC. The process of forming an S-corporation takes time, but it’s worth the effort. This guide will walk you through every step of setting up your own telecommunications S Corp.
It’s important to take note of the following:
To create an S-corporation, you’ll need to file with the IRS and obtain a federal tax ID number. To do this, you’ll need to submit Form 2553 to the IRS and pay $55. You can find all of the necessary forms on the IRS website or in person at your local franchise tax office (FTO). If you’re creating a corporation with multiple owners or shareholders, they will also have to file their own Form 2553s using their Social Security numbers instead of your business’s federal tax ID number—but keep in mind that only one person needs to be designated as “president” for legal purposes; more information about how this works is available on our blog post about how S-corporations work.
Registering your company with state government agencies depends on whether you want them involved in overseeing its operations or not: if not, just go ahead and complete everything above.
You can also choose a fictitious name (like “ABC Inc.”) that doesn’t correspond to anyone’s real name. Finally, if you’d like to trade under an assumed business name (or DBA), that works too—as long as it isn’t already being used by another entity in your state or county and doesn’t match another corporation on file with the IRS.
Once you’ve formed an S-corporation, you’ll have to set up tax identification. In order to do so, you’ll need to obtain an Employer Identification Number (EIN).
The EIN is a unique nine-digit number assigned by the IRS that identifies your company as a business entity. If you already have this number (for example, if you are already filing corporate tax returns), then there’s no need for further action. Go online and register for an EIN here or call.
They should be created at the time you form your entity and can be amended later if needed.
It is important to note that there are specific requirements for these bylaws, including:
In some states, you may need to obtain a business license or other permits in order to operate your telecom company. For example, if you are a telecommunications services provider, you might need an FCC license to conduct interstate or international communications. If your business is involved in the sale or installation of cable systems, you might need a franchise from the city government. You may also be required by local building codes to get permits for work done on commercial buildings. Check with your state’s department of commerce for more information about licensing requirements for corporations in your industry.
Once you’ve determined what type of bank account you want to open, it’s time to visit the branch of your choice. Bring along the following items:
The S-corporation is the best structure for telecommunications businesses. They are easy to form and maintain, offer a lower tax burden than other types of corporations, and protect the owner from personal liability in most cases. If you have any questions about what type of business entity you should choose or how to form one, contact an attorney today!
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