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As a warehouse manager, you may want to protect yourself and your business by forming an S-corporation. An S-corporation is one of the most common types of corporations. It’s easy to form and has many benefits over other types of entities such as LLCs or partnerships. However, before you can set up your new corporation, there are some steps that must be taken first:
Before you form an S-corporation, make sure you meet the following requirements:
When naming your corporation, it’s important to keep a few things in mind. Some of the key considerations are:
When you form your S-corporation, you will also want to create a logo for it. This logo will be used on all of the stationery and documents that your company uses, including business cards and invoices. Your logo should be simple enough that it can be easily read by anyone who sees it. It should also reflect the nature of what your company does—you wouldn’t use cartoons or silly fonts if you’re selling real estate.
Articles of incorporation are the legal documents that describe how your corporation will operate and what it will do, including how much money can be distributed as dividends and who can be officers and directors. These documents must be filed with your state’s secretary of state, along with other forms required by law.
Though hiring a lawyer may seem like an expensive proposition, there are both pros and cons that should be considered before taking this route:
It stands for Employer Identification Number and will be used to open your business’s bank account. You can apply online or by phone, or you can apply in person at any post office or other tax processing center. The process of obtaining an EIN number is free.
An S-corporation is a pass-through entity. This means that the business itself does not pay income taxes, but rather the company’s profits and losses are passed through to its shareholders. The shareholders then report those earnings on their individual returns and pay tax on them at their own rates.
It is a separate legal entity that can offer the same protections as an LLC to warehouse managers and their assets, but with more flexibility when it comes to how much capital has been invested in the business.
If you’re looking to start a warehouse management S-corporation, we recommend hiring an accountant who can help you with the paperwork and get you on track to set up your company.
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