How To Form an S Corporation in Maine


Forming an S corporation, or subchapter S corporation, is a great way to start your business. An S corporation offers limited liability and allows your business to avoid double taxation. However, there are some things that you will have to consider before forming an S corporation in Maine.

You’ll Need to Make an Appointment with a Lawyer to Incorporate

You’ll need to make an appointment with a lawyer to incorporate. And you’ll have to file articles of incorporation, pay filing fees and register your company name in the state of Maine. The legalities can be daunting for many entrepreneurs, but this article will break down what it takes, step by step.

You’ll Need to Register Your Company Name in the State of Maine

Incorporating in Maine takes two steps. First, you must register your business name with the state of Maine. Second, you must apply at the IRS to form an S corporation. You can register your business name with Trademark Avenue.

You can do both of these things yourself or hire a lawyer to help you. If you’re doing it by yourself, make sure you have all of your paperwork in order before getting started so that nothing gets delayed unnecessarily!

Once you have registered your company’s name with Trademark Avenue, you will be issued an official certificate showing that its use has been approved as an LLC or corporation name within their jurisdiction and any other information required by law relevant only to that particular type such as whether there are restrictions on who can own stock etcetera.”

You will then File your Articles of Incorporation and pay $125 in filing fees to Maine

In order to form an S corporation in Maine, you will have to file your Articles of Incorporation. There are two ways that you can pay these filing fees: online or by cashier’s check or credit card. When paying by credit card, the amount of your fee will be added on top of any other charges that are incurred throughout the process (for example, if you decide to hire a lawyer). If you choose not to pay online and instead want to send a check for $125 via mail, make sure it is made out correctly and mailed directly from your bank account or company’s corporate account. Make sure there are no mistakes on either document as this could result in delays with processing your request!

You have 30 days to file your Articles after they are approved by the Maine Secretary of State

You have 30 days to file your Articles after they are approved by the Maine Secretary of State. You can file them online at Trademark Avenue’s website or mail them in with a check for $75 payable to the “State of Maine”.

You can also file them in person at our Augusta office during business hours.

S Corporations Require Trust Accounts and a Separate Bank Account

You must have a separate bank account for the corporation. This account should be an individual trust account, meaning the money in it is only used by you and your business. You may also consider opening up a separate bank account just for paying taxes, but this isn’t required.

If you’re starting out with an S corporation and are operating on a tight budget, try to set aside enough money to pay taxes before they’re due. If you don’t have enough cash on hand when tax season rolls around, it’s too late—you’ll need to pay penalties and interest on what you owe from last year’s taxes due date all the way back until April 15th! This can get expensive quickly!

File Your Federal Income Tax Return

You will need to file a federal income tax return for your corporation. This means that you are responsible for filing the separate tax return, even though it is not an actual person like you or I. The good news is that filing this form usually costs less than $100 and takes no more than a few hours of your time.

You may also need to pay taxes on income earned by your corporation if it earns more than $1 million per year—but don’t worry too much about this right now; there are plenty of other steps you can take before making any big decisions about how much money your business should be making each year!

Forming an S corporation Can Be as Easy as 1, 2, 3!

Forming an S corporation can be as easy as 1, 2, 3!

First, you will need to make an appointment with a lawyer. This is not required but it is highly recommended that you do so. You will also want to register your company name in the state of Maine before filing your Articles of Incorporation.


The process of forming an S corporation is fairly straightforward, but it can be a daunting task. The good news is that there are plenty of resources available to help you through the process. Trademark Avenue is one of them. You can find out more about forming an S corporation on the website.

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