USPTO Trademark Filing in Just $49
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Copyright is a form of intellectual property that protects original works of authorship. Copyright law gives creators rights over their creations for a set period of time, which can last for the lifetime of the creator plus 70 years after his or her death.
When you register your work with the U.S. Copyright Office, you’re protecting it with federal law against infringement by others. Whether you’re an entrepreneur looking to protect your idea or an artist who wants to make sure they receive credit for their work, there are several steps involved in registering a copyright and choosing an appropriate filing method. Don’t worry! we’ll walk you through them.
The Copyright Act of 1976 defines a work as being “original” if it is “independently created by the author (as opposed to copied from another source) and possesses at least some minimal degree of creativity. This means that you cannot claim copyright over any work that you did not create yourself. For example, if you hire someone to create a logo for your company, then their creation is not eligible for copyright protection unless they created it out of their own original ideas instead of copying something else.
The next requirement is that the work must be fixed in some tangible medium. This means that there needs to be an actual physical object (e.g. written on paper) or recording (e.g. saved as an MP3 file). The work need not be published or publicly distributed in order for it to qualify, however, this does not necessarily mean that all forms of media are eligible. Photographs may qualify under this definition, drawings probably do not since they are often displayed only through projection rather than being printed directly onto paper or other materials like photographs would be printed onto photographic film strips before processing them into negatives which can then be used by photographers later on during post production.
It is important to note that fair use is not a license or permission to use the material in question. It does not grant you any rights. Instead, it is an affirmative defense against copyright infringement claims brought by the owner of the copyrighted work. In other words, if you are sued for using someone else’s copyrighted material without permission and you can show that your use falls under fair use, then they cannot sue you for damages or seek an injunction against further usage of their intellectual property (IP).
To apply for a registration, you’ll need to fill out an application form. The application form is available online and can be accessed by visiting the Copyright Office site. The fee for registering copyright is $65 per registration, which means that if you are applying for multiple works (such as a book and its related illustrations), then you may need to pay additional fees.
The application process is easy and straightforward:
Include a copy of the work you’re registering. You’ll need to include three copies of your work, along with a copy of each item listed below:
The address and contact information for the U.S. Copyright Office are:
U.S. Copyright Office
Information Products Division, LM-455
101 Independence Ave SE
Washington, DC 20559-6000 USA
The phone number is (202) 707-3000, and the fax number is (202) 707-9100 (for a copy of their current fee schedule). If you want to submit your application in person or if you want to register by mail or email, please see their website for more details on how to get started.
It’s important to know how to protect your creative work. A copyright is a form of protection for original works of authorship fixed in any tangible medium of expression from which they can be perceived, reproduced, or otherwise communicated, either directly or with the aid of a machine or device. The copyright covers both published and unpublished works. On this page we will look at the basics regarding copyrights for entertainment companies.
We hope that you have found this article on how to register a copyright for an Entertainment Company useful. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us.
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