How to Register a Copyright for Shipping and Travel


It is a good idea to register copyrights for Shipping and Travel related materials as soon as possible after they are created and fixed in a tangible medium of expression because doing so gives several practical advantages and benefits including legal protection and facilitating licensing opportunities.

Grants Right To an Author or Creator

A copyright is the right of an author or creator of certain works to choose how their work can be used by others.

Copyright is a form of intellectual property that protects original works of authorship including literary, dramatic, musical, artistic and other intellectual works. Copyright covers both published and unpublished works.

A work is automatically under copyright protection as soon as it is created in fixed form. This means that once you write something down on paper (or computer), it’s protected by law. In most cases, this also applies if your article or blog post has never been published before.

The US Copyright Office

The U.S. Copyright Office is a federal agency that administers the U.S. copyright law and advises the President and Congress on matters relating to copyright policy. It is the U.S. Copyright Office that registers and records copyright claims, issues certificates of registration, and provides information about copyrights to the public.

When Does The Creator of a Work Owns the Copyright?

The creator of a work owns the copyright as soon as the work is created and fixed in a tangible medium of expression. “Tangible medium of expression” includes paper, film, disk or other physical object. The moment you write down your brilliant idea on paper, you have acquired ownership over it, even though no one else has seen it yet.

You can register copyrights at any time during which you own them (or if they have been sold), but there are benefits to registering before someone else does so that person cannot claim ownership over your idea.

Protections and Advantages the U.S. Copyright Office Grants You

Registering your copyright with the U.S. Copyright Office grants you important protections and advantages that are not available if you do not register your copyright.

  • Registering a copyright can help protect you from someone else stealing or copying your work, whether it’s written or recorded material, such as music or photographs, or visual art like paintings, drawings and illustrations.
  • By registering your work at the time of creation or shortly afterward, you’ll have an easier time enforcing your rights in court if someone infringes on them later on down the line. At least one court case has held that a party has no infringement claim unless he registered his works prior to suit being filed against him for infringement. This rule does not apply to those who have published their works but failed to register them before publication (see below).

You can register your shipping or travel-related materials on:, where you can file online, pay online, and monitor online the progress of your registration through to issuance of a registration certificate.

If you choose to file online, you will receive the full benefits of an online filing, including:

  • A reduced fee of $35.00, which is approximately 50% less than our regular filing fee.
  • The ability to pay by credit card or debit card, and receive a lower fee as a result.
  • The ability to monitor the progress of your application. You can also check on your application at any time by logging into](

Now is also an excellent time to register your work with the U.S Copyright Office because registration provides many benefits for authors and owners who have been diligent in their efforts to protect their creative works from copying or other unauthorized uses by others who may wish to take advantage of them (see information on copyright registration below).


It is a good idea to register copyrights for Shipping and Travel related materials as soon as possible after they are created and fixed in a tangible medium of expression because doing so gives several practical advantages and benefits including legal protection and facilitating licensing opportunities

Copyright registration is important because it gives legal protection against copyright infringement. If you do not register your copyright, there is no way to prove that a particular person is infringing on your intellectual property or personal rights.

Registration only takes a few minutes online through the United States Copyright Office website (https://www.copyright .gov/).


You can also use Electronic Copyright Office to file your copyright application, pay the filing fee, and track its progress. To do this, you will need to create an account using a user ID management tool called eCO . Once you have completed this process, you will be able to file online, pay online and monitor your registration through issuance of a certificate.

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