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You may not realize it, but registering your original work with the US Copyright Office is one of the best ways to protect yourself in today’s digital world. While many people think of copyright as something reserved for books and music, it actually covers a wide variety of types of work. And while there are other ways to protect your work–such as using contracts or licenses–the easiest way to ensure that you have some legal protection for any original creative work is by registering a copyright. This article will help you understand the basics of copyright and how to register a copyright in Michigan.
Copyright is a form of protection provided by the laws of the United States (Title 17, U.S.C.) to the authors of “original works of authorship” including literary, dramatic, musical, artistic, and certain other intellectual works. The owner of the copyright has the exclusive right to reproduce or authorize reproduction in copies and phonorecords, prepare derivative works based upon that work, distribute copies or phonorecords with the notice set forth in section 109, perform or display the copyrighted work publicly, and make digital uses as defined by Section 108(a)(1).
How do you know when to use a copyright notice?
You should use a copyright notice on or near the title or other identifying information (for example, “Copyright © 2016 by John Doe” or “All rights reserved.”) in your work.
The copyright notice is not a substitute for registration. A copyright notice is not a substitute for a license or permission. It’s just a statement that someone owns their work and they have rights to it. It’s important because it tells the public who the owner is so that if someone steals your work, you can file suit against them later on down the road when you find out about it—but that doesn’t mean anything until after something has been stolen from you!
So don’t worry about getting sued for having an improper or missing copyright notice on your website or other works yet; we’re only concerned with actually registering those copyrights first!
Copyright registration is not required to protect your work. However, if you wish to bring a lawsuit for copyright infringement and have registered your work with the U.S. Copyright Office in Washington, D.C., you will be able to prove ownership of the work and recover damages for any losses caused by the infringement.
To qualify for copyright protection, an original work must be:
To register a copyright in Michigan, you need to fill out an application and pay the appropriate fee. The fee for online registration is $45, but if you want to do it via regular mail or fax, it’ll cost $65 per application.
The Copyright Office will then contact you with confirmation of your registration within eight weeks of receiving your form. If you’re planning on registering several works at once, they recommend that they be all owned by one company or person—otherwise, they will take more time to process than a single work would take them.
If you want to learn more about registering a copyright, contact the US Copyright Office by phone at (202)707-3000 or visit their website at
Copyright registration is the best way to protect your original work. It’s affordable and easy to file online with the US Copyright office.
It’s also a good idea because it can help you prove ownership of your intellectual property if you ever need to.
Copyright registration is the best way to protect your original work. It is affordable and easy to file online with the US Copyright office.
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Register Your Trademark with USPTO Today & Get Serial No. in 24 Hours