How to register a trademark for a Real Estate Agency


The process of registering a trademark can be quite complicated, but if you’re running a real estate agency and want to take advantage of the benefits of having a registered trademark, it’s worth the effort. Here’s how to register your trademark:

Step 1: Choose a Name

Before you can register your trademark, you’ll need to choose a name. The best way to do this is by using your common sense. Here are some tips:

  • Choose a name that is easy to remember and understand. Avoid overly long or overly short names; they’re not memorable and might not fit on your signage in the future. Remember, too, that it’s always best if your business name isn’t already taken by another company (you don’t want people accidentally thinking they’re dealing with someone else).
  • Choose a name that does not sound like something else—unless you plan on being very confused for the rest of your life! Even words that sound similar can get confusing quickly when spoken out loud (for example, Smith vs Smyth).
  • A final consideration is whether or not anyone else has registered any trademarks for similar products/services as yours—this could be an indication that there may already be confusion among consumers between brands that provide similar services/products but have different trademarks/brands associated with them

Step 2: Make Sure Your Name Is Not Already Taken

You should search the Trademark Electronic Search System (TESS) and the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office database to make sure your desired name is not already taken. You can use either the TESS database or Google to perform your initial trademark search.

If you’re able to find a listing that looks similar to yours, go back into TESS or do another Google search, making sure you use more narrow terms this time around so that you get better results. If there are still other listings that look like yours but aren’t yours, then you may want to consider changing your name slightly before filing for trademark registration; however, this may not be necessary if all of those other listings are significantly different from what you want to be called as far as length, spelling or syllables go.

Step 3: Make Sure Your Name Is Not Confusingly Similar to Another Mark

The next step is to make sure your trademark is not confusingly similar to other marks. If your mark is confusingly similar to another mark in the same field, it will likely be denied registration by the USPTO. When determining whether a mark is likely to be confused with another, the following factors are considered:

  • strength of the prior mark
  • proximity of use of the prior mark and yours (e.g., would consumers think that both businesses are related?)
  • the similarity between your trademarks and each other’s trademarks (e.g., do they look/sound/feel similar?)

Step 4: Describe the Product or Service

In this section, you’ll describe the goods and services. A good way to do this is to list them in bullet points. Make sure that you are listing all of the goods and services that your company offers, including anything that you consider ancillary or peripheral to the primary goods or services you offer.

Here are some examples of what we mean:

  • Goods: Real estate brokerage services, real estate sales agency services
  • Services: Agency representation of buyers, agencies representing sellers

Step 5: Submit Your Application

The next step is to submit your application.

You will be receiving a confirmation email from the USPTO that your application has been received. Your mark will then be entered into an official database, where it will remain for about 4 months until approved or rejected. The USPTO will let you know if there are any problems with your application and may ask you to make some changes before they approve it.

Step 6: Refine Your Goods and Services

The next step is to refine your list of goods and services. You need to list only those goods and services that you will actually be offering and that are relevant to your business. In other words, don’t overreach!

For example, if you run a real estate agency that sells houses, it would be helpful to include “real estate brokerage” as one of the service offerings on your trademark application (but not necessarily). On the other hand, if all you do is provide home inspections but not sell homes, then listing “real estate brokerage” as one of your services would be misleading because it makes it seem like you’re doing something that isn’t true. In this case, remove “real estate brokerage” from the list of goods and services until such time as it becomes part of what you offer—or leave it off entirely until then.


  • A trademark is a word, logo, or phrase that distinguishes your business from others in the same industry. It can be any type of intellectual property (IP), including patents, copyrights, and trade secrets.
  • Registering your trademark with the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) will help prevent others from using it on their businesses as well as products that compete with yours.
  • You’ll have to file an application before you can register your mark with the USPTO—you can either do this yourself or hire an attorney to help you through the process.


In summary, if you are looking to register a trademark for your real estate agency, we hope these tips will help. You should always consult an attorney with any questions or concerns before proceeding with filing your application.

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