USPTO Trademark Filing in Just $49
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Registering a trademark is a critical step in protecting your brand. It also gives you the right to use the ® symbol and prevents other companies from using your name or logo without permission. Here are the steps to register a trademark for electronics:
The first step in registering a trademark is to conduct a search of the mark. Conducting a search on the USPTO website, Google and other internet sources, and social media sites like Facebook and LinkedIn and even Amazon can help you determine whether or not your proposed mark is available for use.
If you find that your desired trademark has already been registered by someone else (or if it is being used as a domain name or on social media), you may have to select another one. It’s important to note that this initial search doesn’t guarantee that no one else will be able to register your desired mark; however, it can help prevent some potential issues down the line when filing with the USPTO.
You can submit your application at an office of the USPTO or file it online.
An application consists of a trademark application form, a drawing of your mark as it is to be used on or in connection with goods/services, and fee(s). You also have to pay any fees associated with filing under sections 1, 2 or 44 of the Trademark Act.
To complete this step:
Once you submit your application, the USPTO will send you a letter with the Office Action. This letter will contain instructions on how to respond to the Office Action. The instructions may include a deadline for responding, in which case you must submit your response by this date if you want to have any chance of registering your trademark.
If you fail to respond within the time period allotted by the Office Action, then your application will be rejected and cannot be resubmitted until after one year has passed from when it was first submitted (unless there is some extenuating circumstance).
When you receive an Office Action, you will have three months to respond to it. You can do this by filing a Request for Extension of Time (RTE) if you need more time than 3 months.
If you feel that the USPTO’s rejection is incorrect, then respond with a Response addressing all of the issues raised in their Office Action. A response must be filed within 6 months from the mailing date on your Notice of Allowance or they may deem your application abandoned and allow someone else to register your mark!
We hope that this article has been helpful to you in understanding the process of registering a trademark for electronics. If you have any questions about registering your own trademark, please contact us at
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Register Your Trademark with USPTO Today & Get Serial No. in 24 Hours