How to Register a Trademark in Colorado


If you have a brand, product, or service that is unique and different from others, you should consider registering your trademark with the Colorado Secretary of State’s Office. The benefits of doing so include using the ™ symbol and receiving fraud protection. In this article, we will discuss the process of registering a trademark in Colorado.

Filing an Application

Registering the trademark with the USPTO is more expensive than registering it at the state level, but you get a couple of perks. Most importantly, you can use ® to indicate that your trademark belongs to you in both print and web media. To be clear: registering your trademark with Colorado does not give you this right.

Benefits of Registering your Trademark in Colorado

You can use the ™ symbol, which means that your registration is pending. This helps you protect your trademark so no one else can use it.

Benefits of registering with the state include using the ™ symbol and receiving fraud protection.

You may also be eligible for one-stop shopping if you register your mark with both state and federal trademark offices. If this is true in Colorado, registering with this office will not automatically register it with our office; however, once registered here, you will be eligible to file a single application for both federal and state registration.


Trademark registration is a federal process that protects the creative work of companies and individuals. As the owner of a trademark, you must register it with the USPTO to make sure that no one else uses it. However, if you don’t have plans for nationwide distribution, or don’t want to deal with the bureaucracy involved in federal registration, Colorado also offers its own trademark registration process. By registering your mark with both processes, you can protect your brand from infringement anywhere in America. If someone tries to use your brand without permission (whether they are selling similar goods or services or not), they could be sued by you or an attorney on behalf of your company.

Registering a trademark isn’t just good business practice—it’s also an effective way to protect yourself from lawsuits and protect creativity as an artist


Registering a trademark is an important step in protecting your brand. By registering with the state of Colorado and/or the USPTO, you can use their symbols to show that you have claimed ownership over your mark and will be protected from fraud. If you are using a logo or slogan that represents your business, then it’s probably worth investing some time into getting them registered so you can use them without worry.

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