USPTO Trademark Filing in Just $49
Register Your Trademark with USPTO Today & Get Serial No. in 24 Hours
Registering a trademark in Connecticut is not as difficult as you think it might be, as long as you follow the right steps! Here’s how:
To determine if your mark is available, search the USPTO database to see if it’s already been registered. You’ll also want to check whether there are any conflicting trademarks that prevent you from obtaining registration on your mark.
If you find an existing registration that’s similar enough to yours and has been in use for at least three years prior to your filing, you may still be able to register a trademark on your own mark with the following conditions:
Once you’ve determined that your mark is eligible for a federal trademark, it’s time to file an application with the USPTO. This can be done through the USPTO website, but only if you are filing online; if not, your application will be filed by mail.
If filing online:
If mailing in an application:
File an application with the Connecticut Secretary of State. You must submit a completed application, which can be downloaded from the state’s website or requested by telephone or postal mail. You will also need to sign this application in front of a notary public; if you don’t have one, there is one available at your local courthouse for a small fee.
You will need to submit an initial application fee of $275. This is required by the state of Connecticut and will be used to pay for your state trademark search and examination. If you are submitting a Section 1A application, you must also submit a $100 fee directly to the US Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO).
After you submit your application, you will receive a notice of acceptance or refusal. If you receive an acceptance notice, you can begin using your trademark immediately. If you receive a refusal notice, you can appeal this decision by submitting an appeal request within six months of receiving the refusal letter (this time period may be extended).
It’s a good idea to register a trademark in Connecticut if you want to protect yourself from legal trouble down the line. The process is not difficult and can be completed in just a few days, so there really isn’t any excuse not to do it!
Register Your Trademark & Get The Delivery of your USPTO Serial No. In 24 Hours
Register Your Trademark with USPTO Today & Get Serial No. in 24 Hours