How to Register a Trademark in New Mexico


Trademark registration is the process of protecting your brand name and logo from being used by another company. This article will discuss all the important steps on how to register a trademark in New Mexico.

How to Register a Trademark in New Mexico

As you can see, there are a few different ways to register a trademark in New Mexico. If you’re planning on expanding your business to other states or countries, it may be worth your time to consider registering your trademark with the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO). This will give you more protection over the use of your mark nationwide—especially if someone else tries to use it as well.

When choosing which type of registration is best for you and your company, think about how many people will see the logo or brand name every day—and how often they might encounter it in their daily lives. This can help determine whether or not it makes sense to invest money into protecting them through trademarks and copyrights while also keeping costs low enough that they won’t impact profitability too much.

Documents Required in New Mexico

When you’re ready to apply for a trademark, you’ll need to submit the following documents:

  • A completed application form
  • A TM search report.

You can find this online at the USPTO website. This will tell you if your mark is already registered with the USPTO, or if there are any conflicts with other marks that are already registered with them. If there are no conflicts, then it’s safe to proceed with the registration of your new mark.

  • A specimen of the mark (this must include at least one example of how exactly it looks).

For example, if your business sells t-shirts and hats with its logo on them, then it would be appropriate for this document to include examples of each item sold (with clear indications as well).

Procedure for Registering Trademark in New Mexico

The procedure for registering trademarks in New Mexico is as follows:

  • File a trademark application.

You can either file online or by mail. If you choose to file by mail, send your application to the address shown on the official website of New Mexico’s Secretary of State Office. You will need to include a copy of your logo and any other relevant paperwork with your application.

  • Pay the registration fee.

The cost varies depending on whether you are filing an incontestable trademark or not (an incontestable trademark is one that cannot be challenged by anyone else). For example, if you want to register an incontestable trademark, then it will cost around $175 while non-incontestable trademarks cost less than half at $65 per class. The total amount payable will depend on how many classes you apply for and range from $65-$275 per class depending on how many classes are applied for.


The takeaway here is that there are many different types of trademarks and they can be registered at the federal level or state level. The next time you’re ready to use a new logo or slogan for your business, make sure you check with an attorney before doing so. If you have any questions about trademarks or would like more information about how to register one, contact us today!


As you can see, there are a lot of steps involved in the process of registering a trademark. If you want to start your own business and need help with the registration process or other legal services, then contact us today! We’ll be happy to assist you.

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