How to Register an Entertainment Company on Amazon


Amazon is a popular website for buying and selling goods, but it’s also a great place to register your entertainment company. The Amazon registration process is simple and fast, but you will need to provide the company with some basic information about your business. You can use a variety of services on Amazon, including selling physical products, streaming movies and music, or providing advertising space.

Amazon Prime Video

Amazon Prime Video is one of the most popular services offered by Amazon, with over 100 million subscribers worldwide. To stream videos on Prime Video, you’ll need to register for an account and provide your credit card information. It’s free to sign up for a trial membership but costs $99 per year after that.

Account Registration

The registration process can take a while to complete. Submitting an application takes about five minutes, but your company will not be approved until it passes through an extensive review process. This means that you may have to wait several days or even weeks before receiving notification from Amazon that your company has been approved for distribution on its platform. By following these steps, you can register for an account on Prime Video.

  • Go to the Prime Video Direct page and click on “Get Started”
  • Enter your company’s legal name, address, and contact information for a primary contact person in the appropriate fields
  • Click Next when you are ready to move on to the next step of signing up with Amazon as an entertainment company on Prime Video Direct
  • Here, you will be asked to fill out some information about your company, including its industry, size, and annual revenue
  • On the next screen, enter your business information to create an official company name (this can be anything, but should reflect what you do). You’ll also need to provide two additional pieces of information: Your legal name and address (for tax purposes) as well as a government-issued ID number such as your social security number or Employer Identification Number (EIN)

Content Streaming

You can decide whether Amazon Prime members will be able to stream your content. If you want to make your content available for free, you must select this option on the registration form and provide a free streaming link. You can also choose to allow Amazon Prime members to stream your content in exchange for a small fee (usually less than $1 per month). If you do not want to allow Amazon Prime members to stream your content, then you should select the “No” option on the registration form. In this case, Amazon Prime members will be able to view your product listings and read about your products but will not be able to watch them.


In summary, it’s important to understand that registration with Amazon Seller Central is not a one-and-done process. It’s something that you need to commit to on an ongoing basis. Amazon will be in contact with you throughout the registration process and beyond, so it’s important that you take your time when completing the steps above.

To ensure that you have enough time for this step in the process, make sure you set aside plenty of time when completing the registration form and uploading documents. You’ll need to provide information about yourself as well as any partners involved with your venture—and if they’re located across multiple states or countries, it’s important to include their addresses as well!


If you’re an entertainment company and you want to sell your products on Amazon, it’s essential that you know how to register an entertainment company on Amazon. This is a simple process that will take only a few minutes of your time and will allow your business to start selling its products on the world’s largest e-commerce platform. Hope this article helped you understand how to register an entertainment company on Amazon.

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