How To Register Trademark Online


Trademark registration is a legal process that gives you the right to use a trademark. You can register your trademark at the Trademark Office of the Trademarks Registry Division under the Ministry of Commerce and Industry. The process of trademark registration is simple and straightforward, and it can be done online as well. This article will help you understand the basics of trademark registration in the US and how to do it.

Checking for Availability of The Trademark

  • Check the trademark registry. You can check for the availability of your trademark by searching for it in the Intellectual Property Office (IPO) database. The IPO is an administrative body that administers intellectual property laws and oversees their enforcement through its trademarks, patents, designs and more.
  • Check with Customs. Before you file a trademark application with IPOS, take note that it may be useful to do some preliminary research on whether any identical or similar trademarks have already been registered by someone else. If so, then you could consider registering a different name instead of trying to register one whose owner has already been established.
  • Contact an attorney or legal firm specializing in intellectual property matters if you still have questions about obtaining trademarks after doing all this initial work yourself .The United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) is the federal agency that processes US trademark applications.

Filing Application Online for Trademark Registration

Filing application online is simple, quick and easy to do. You can do it on your own or with the help of an experienced lawyer, who may charge a fee for their services. The process is available 24/7 and you can file the application from anywhere in the world, anytime during normal business hours. The USPTO will assign your application a serial number and issue you a filing date. They’ll also send you an email confirming that your application has been filed. You can check the status of your application online or by calling the USPTO at 1-800-786-9199. If you apply for a trademark online, you are not required to submit any hard copies of your application. It’s acceptable to have a PDF copy of the application on hand if you need it for legal purposes. However, the USPTO does require that all documents submitted in support of an application be legible.

Paying the Prescribed Fees for Trademark Registration

When you have completed the application process and are ready to file for trademark protection, you will be required to pay a fee. The amount of this fee depends on whether your mark is for goods or services.

The fees are:

  • $225 – For all applications filed under Section 1(a) of the Trademark Act. This includes national applications and those filed with an international class designation;
  • $275 – For all other filings—which include renewals, overseas filings, and additional classes in a single filing.

A few things happen if you do not pay your fees at this point: Your application will be considered abandoned; Your trademark will not be published in the Official Gazette; You won’t receive any notices from the USPTO regarding its status until it has been renewed or canceled by someone else (and then it’ll be too late).

Submission of Required Documents for Trademark Registration

You will need to submit a copy of your trademark registration certificate. You can obtain this from the office or agency that granted your registration.

It is also necessary to submit a copy of the trademark application and specification, which include relevant information about your mark such as:

  • What words or designs are covered by this mark?
  • Is this a word mark or design mark?
  • Are there any other distinguishing features associated with it (such as color)? If so, how will they be used in connection with goods/services identified by this application?
  • What goods and services will be covered by the registration?
  • Is there anything else that might prevent you from registering this mark (e.g., a foreign application)? If so, please explain.
  • You must also provide a specimen of use for this trademark. This is typically an image or photo showing how your mark is being used today.

Registering a Trademark is Easier If You Have Your Information in Order

Before you can register your trademark, you need to have a good understanding of what you are doing. This means that you not only need access to the right information and know how to use the information, but also be able to follow up on the information.

If that sounds like too tall an order for someone who’s new at this game, don’t worry! There are plenty of resources out there that can help demystify things for you and make it easier for you as well.


Registering a trademark is easier if you have your information in order. In this article, we have discussed the steps that can help you register a trademark online.

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