How to register your Company?


In this article, we are going to give you a step-by-step guide on how to register your company in the US. This will serve as a comprehensive guide on all the steps involved.

1. Choose the right type of business entity

  • In the case of a sole proprietorship, you will be the owner of your business and responsible for all aspects of it. This means that any financial obligations or debts are your responsibility alone.
  • A partnership is essentially a business where two or more people are working together toward a common goal (usually to make money). In this arrangement, each partner has ownership in the company but shares equally in its profits and losses. If one person does not contribute equally, then he/she will have to pay for any additional costs incurred by his/her partner(s), which could potentially lead to legal action later on if there were no agreements made beforehand about how profits would be distributed among partners who did not contribute equally.
  • Corporations are businesses with more than one shareholder; these shareholders do not actually own anything themselves but instead own shares in the company itself just like stockholders do with public companies such as Apple Computer Inc., Microsoft Corp., etc. Corporations allow owners to limit their liability by setting up separate limited liability corporations (LLCs) within them so they can protect their personal assets from being taken away by creditors should something unfortunate happen while running their businesses; however this also means they cannot share profits unless they agree ahead of time how much each person gets paid per year based upon what percentage was invested into starting up operations in exchange for their investment dollars.

2. Choose a business name

Once you’ve decided on a name, it’s time to make sure that your business name is available. You can check the availability of your business name by searching the federal government’s database of trademarks, or the state government’s database of corporations’ names (if applicable).

Both databases are free and accessible online. If your business name is available, great! You’re ready to register your company. If not, try again with another option, or consider filing an application as an assumed name until you find something that works for you.

If there are any similar names in either database (which is likely), give those businesses a call and ask if they mind if you use their exact same name for your company too – this could help avoid any potential confusion down the road and save both parties some trouble later on!

3. File paperwork with your state government

You’ll need to file the appropriate paperwork with your state’s government in order to legally operate as a business. This may include filing for a sales tax permit and/or a business license. Some states, like California, will also require you to file for an employer identification number (EIN). An EIN is similar to a social security number; it allows the IRS to track all of your business earnings and expenses on one form instead of having multiple forms filed at different times throughout the year. Your state will have different requirements depending on where you live and what type of work you do as an organization or small business owner.

4. Obtain a federal tax identification number (EIN)

You will need your federal tax identification number (EIN) if you hire employees or need to open a business bank account. Your EIN is a nine-digit number that’s similar to your Social Security number. It’s used to identify businesses and corporations for tax purposes, so when you file your taxes in the future, it helps prevent confusion over which forms belong to whom.

If you plan on hiring employees or opening a business bank account, then yes—you should get an EIN now! You can start by visiting the IRS website and following their instructions on getting an EIN online (it takes about 10 minutes). Since each state has its own laws regarding obtaining one as well, it is recommended checking with them too just in case they have any additional requirements before applying for yours.

5. Create an operating agreement

  • An operating agreement is a document that outlines the structure and basic rules of your company. In general, it should include:
  • A statement of the purpose of your company
  • A list of all authorized members/shareholders, along with their percentage of ownership
  • The number of directors on the board, if necessary; may be the same as the number of shareholders or vice versa.
  • You’ll need to create your own operating agreement or use one from a similar business (such as an LLC or S corporation). Your attorney can help you draft one from scratch and tailor it to suit your needs. It’s important to write down any changes you make to this document so that everyone has a clear idea about what’s going on within their roles as shareholders/directors/etcetera!

6. Set up bank accounts and credit cards

Once you’ve filed your application, it can take up to six months for your company to be registered. In the meantime, you will need to open a bank account and credit card for your business.

Be sure that the credit card is only used for company purposes only. As an individual, make sure you have another personal credit card with which to pay for your own personal expenses. You should also set up a corporate credit card for yourself and your employees so that they have access to funds when needed.

7. Get licenses and permits

Following is the list of licenses and permits you will need:

  • A business license
  • A business permit
  • A sales tax license
  • A contractor’s license
  • Food handlers permit


Now you understand how to register a company. You can also consult us for more information about this topic as well as any other services related to registering your company.

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