How to Trademark the Name of a Product?


The name of a product plays an important role in its success. If the product is successful and popular, the trademark can be used on other products as well. In fact, the name of your product is one of the most important things to consider when you invest time and money in developing it. A great name can make your product extremely popular and recognizable. The end goal is to have your brand name instantly recognized by everyone. It’s extremely beneficial for a company to own a trademarked product name, but how do you actually go about trademarking it? Well, that’s what we are going to explain in this article! We will give you all the information you need about registering a trademark for a product name or even a logo. Let’s take a look!

The name of a product plays an important role in its success.

The name of your product plays an important role in its success. If your product is successful and popular, the trademark can be used on other products as well. For example, if you have branded a particular game with a certain name, then you might want to use that same name for another game that is similar in nature or genre. A good example is Angry Birds vs Angry Birds Space or Candy Crush vs Candy Crush Soda Saga.

The trademark helps to distinguish the product from other similar products by creating a brand image for it. It also helps market the product by giving it an identity among all others within its category. The trademark can be used on logos as well which adds more credibility to the brand image created around it.

A great name can make your product extremely popular and recognizable.

In fact, the name of your product is one of the most important things to consider when you invest time and money in developing it. A great name can make your product extremely popular and recognizable.

If you want to trademark the name of a product, there are several things you should think about.

  • The first thing to keep in mind is that the name of your product should be catchy. It should also be easy for people to remember and unique so that no one else has used it before or could use it now without infringing on your rights as an inventor. For example, if someone else came out with an identical invention weeks after yours was released, consumers would not be confused by what brand they were purchasing; but if there was some overlap between names and products being sold at different times from different manufacturers—especially with similar sounding names such as “Foo” versus “Phooey”—then consumers might choose one over another based on its origin rather than solely on features or other distinguishing characteristics between each option available for sale.

The end goal is to have your brand name instantly recognized by everyone. It’s extremely beneficial for a company to own a trademarked product name, but how do you actually go about trademarking it?

Trademarking a Product Name

Trademarking a product name can get confusing because there’s so much information out there on how to do it and what you need. So let’s break it down:

  • A trademark is a word, phrase, symbol, or design, or a combination of words, phrases, symbols, or designs that identifies and distinguishes the source of the goods of one party from those of others.
  • You may choose to create your own mark or select one from an existing list of trademarks. If you want to pick an existing mark that has already been approved by the US Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) but is not currently being used for your product name and is willing to pay for that registration fee then that’s fine too!

So, are you ready to trademark your product? Just remember these three steps:

  • Search the database before applying for a patent. This will save you time and money because it will let you know if someone already has that trademark, and therefore, whether or not they could possibly have any legal rights over it.
  • Make sure your trademark doesn’t already exist. If someone is already using an identical or similar name for their product, then yours would be considered infringement and we highly recommend that you choose another name instead. Trademarking can help protect your intellectual property from being stolen by others who may want to use it without permission from the original owner!
  • Make sure your trademark meets all the requirements before filing for official registration with USPTO (U.S Patent & Trademark Office) in order to avoid any unnecessary delays during this process which could lead up until several months depending on how busy it gets at any given time period due this organization’s workload level present day scenario on top of many other factors affecting how long one might wait before getting approval done successfully.

Search the database before applying for a patent

Before applying for a patent, it’s important to search the database to make sure that your trademark doesn’t already exist. If it does, you’ll need to either alter it or come up with a new one. To do this, simply type in the word or phrase you want to trademark and see if there are any matches.

Also, be sure that your trademark meets all of the requirements. Once you’ve checked these things off and have created an acceptable logo for your product, then it’s time for the next step.

Make sure your trademark doesn’t already exist

Make sure your trademark doesn’t already exist. The first step in the process of registering a trademark is to make sure you’re not infringing on someone else’s existing mark. You can do this by checking the USPTO database and making sure there are no other trademarks that are similar to yours. If there are other trademarks that are similar to yours, you need to make sure they aren’t too similar.

Check different domains as well–you don’t want someone else taking over your domain name!

Make sure your trademark meets all the requirements

The next step is to make sure you meet all the requirements of a trademark. You’ll need to make sure that:

  • Your trademark isn’t confusingly similar to other trademarks already in use
  • The mark is distinctive, and not generic (i.e., it describes the product)


Well, that’s it! You now know how to trademark your product name. We hope this has helped you understand the steps and process involved in trademarking something like this. It can be difficult to navigate through all of the red tapes when it comes to registering a trademark, but we are confident that if you follow our tips above (and with some patience), then you will be good as gold!

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