USPTO Trademark Filing in Just $49
Register Your Trademark with USPTO Today & Get Serial No. in 24 Hours
Trademarks are a form of intellectual property that identifies the source of goods and services. Trademark registration ensures that the trademark owner can prevent unauthorized use by others.
Trademarked words can be used for your business, but you must ensure that it is not too short or too long. The minimum length of trademark words depends on the category in which you want to register your trademark with Intellectual Property Office (IPO). Generally speaking, three letters or more are needed for an acceptable length of a trademark word. .
The minimum length of a word mark is three characters. A trademark may only consist of one or more words and no other elements, such as pictures or symbols. This means that if you want to protect your brand, you must choose a name that consists of at least three entire words (including spaces).
Trademark registration is the process of obtaining exclusive rights to a word, logo, or other symbol used in commerce to identify goods and services. Once registered, the mark becomes the property of its owner and can be used as a signifier of quality. Trademark registration also allows an individual or business to prevent others from using similar marks that would confuse potential customers into believing they are purchasing their product when they are not. Trademarking your brand name is one way to protect yourself from competitors attempting to use it on similar products or services.
Trademarks are refused for the following reasons:
The minimum length of trademark words is three (3) and the maximum length is ten (10). However, you can also register an abbreviation or a short form of your name or word as a trademark. In this case, you need to prove that everyone will recognize it as your mark. For example, if your business name is ABC Company and you want to register its abbreviation as a trademark, then you must show that when people see “ABC”, they think about your company.
Register Your Trademark & Get The Delivery of your USPTO Serial No. In 24 Hours
Register Your Trademark with USPTO Today & Get Serial No. in 24 Hours