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As a business owner, it’s important to think about the name you’re going to choose for your company. You want something that reflects what you do and will be easy for customers to remember. However, there are some factors that need to be taken into consideration before making your decision.
This is an important question to ask as many companies are coming up with very snazzy names that are too long, confusing, and in some instances not even memorable.
As a business owner, you have to make sure that your company name is catchy but not too long.
A name should be easy to remember, pronounce and spell out loud. It should also be easy to read and write down on paper when you need to write it down somewhere or mention it over the phone or text message etc.
The first thing to consider when choosing a name is whether or not it’s memorable. A good name will create an immediate connection between your business and the audience you want to reach.
There are three main things that contribute to this:
Short names are easier to remember.
The shorter the name, the easier it is for your customers to remember it in their heads and recall it when they see it again on the packaging or elsewhere. A short name is also great if you plan on using social media posts since the character limit on most platforms doesn’t allow for long brand names.
Short names are easier to pronounce.
A longer business name can cause some people to stumble over pronouncing it correctly, which might turn them off from doing business with you—especially if they’re more likely to come across your company through word of mouth rather than through advertisements or other marketing channels. Short names make sure that everyone understands how exactly they should say what your business does (and any variations of this). They are also great for international appeal since there are fewer syllables in them than longer ones.
Longer business names can be a detriment to your company, as well:
The first thing to remember is that when choosing a name for your business you must consider the following things, at the least.
Here are some key aspects to consider when choosing a business name:
There is no magic formula for picking a business name that will guarantee success. But it’s important to remember that even if you find an ideal name, it may not be available. And if you’re determined to have a unique name for your company, try looking for inspiration beyond just the obvious sources (such as languages).
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