Who Should Trademark their Business Name


Trademarking your business name is an important step for any business owner. Trademarks protect businesses from unauthorized use of their names, which can lead to confusion among customers and potential buyers. Businesses that have been operating for several years may wonder whether or not they need to trademark their name after all. The short answer is yes! Any time a brand becomes recognizable in the marketplace, it’s a good idea to protect it through trademark registration with the federal government.

Businesses that Make More than $1,000

If you’re making more than $1,000 in sales every year, it’s time to trademark your business name. Trademarking your business name will help you protect your brand and control the use of your company name in the marketplace.

Businesses that:

  • Businesses that have customers outside of the state in which they are operating.
  • Businesses with a national or international presence may want to protect their brand name from being used by others in other states or countries.
  • Businesses that compete with other businesses nationally or internationally.

Small Business Owners

Trademarking your business name not only provides protection for the logo and identity of your brand, but also helps prevent other companies from using a similar name that may confuse customers. For example, there are several major companies throughout the United States called “Albertsons” — yet only one of them is related to grocery stores (that would be Albertsons LLC). If another company had trademarked its name before Albertsons LLC, then either party could have been forced to change its identifying name if it wanted to continue operating under an identical mark. By registering first with the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO), however, they were able to use their names without fear of legal action or confusion among consumers because both parties were protected by law under the same banner.

Important Note

If you compete with other businesses nationally or internationally, consider trademarking your business name. In order for a business to claim ownership of a specific image, slogan, or phrase associated with its product or service, it must first register the mark with the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO). The USPTO will then issue what is known as trademark registration. The registration will remain valid for ten years before it needs to be renewed.

If someone else has already trademarked the name of your company’s product, service, or logo – whether through intent or chance – you may find that it becomes very difficult to distinguish yourself from competitors who are also using similar names. This can lead to confusion among consumers when trying to identify which business offers which products/services and could result in lost revenue opportunities for both parties involved.


Trademarking your business name allows you to build a reputation, develop a strong customer base and even sell the business in the future. Each year, thousands of businesses are sold online and offline so it’s important to consider these benefits when choosing a name for your new venture.


Trademarking your business name is an important step. If you don’t want someone else to steal it, trademarking is the best way to protect your brand and ensure that no one else can use it.

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